Korla icon theme is a mix of the following icon sets: Korla and Papirus. To make icons display properly, you may need to update the icon cache. A script is included.
Different versions available:
- korla - for dark themes with dark panel
- korla-light - for light themes with dark panel (depends on Korla)
- korla-light-panel - for light themes with light panel (depends on Korla and Korla-light)
Clone this repository on your system
git clone https://github.com/bikass/korla.git
and copy korla, korla-light and korla-light-panel subfolders to one of the following folders:
- icons available system-wide$HOME/.local/share/icons/
- icons only available to local user
Folder icon sets for Korla icon theme. https://github.com/bikass/korla-folders
Appreciate for coffee or beer: ko-fi.com/tarmakofi