ENG language:
1)Open OPENIV and extract the file (blips_texturesheet_ng_2) from the minimap.ytd file and edit it
2)Don't forget to save the file as .dds and in the transparent state so that the background is transparent
3)I also attach a .psd from photoshop so you know how to do it correctly !!!
4)after editing and importing the file, it is enough to start the whole file and restart the server to load it
5)in server.cfg add a line (start customBlips)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
PS : Credit goes to Joker#0952, do not sell the script as your product or service !!!!!
Made by Joker#0952
CZ language:
1)Otevrete si OPENIV a vytahnete si ze souboru minimap.ytd soubor (blips_texturesheet_ng_2) a ten si upravte
2)soubor nezapomente ulozit jako .dds a ve stavu transparency aby bylo pozadi pruhledne
3)Prikladam i .psd z photoshopu aby jste vedeli jak to delat spravne !!
4)po uprave a naslednem importu staci cely soubor nastartovat a restartovat server aby doslo k nacteni
5)v server.cfg pridej radek (start customBlips)
558 - Unicorn 559 - LSPD 560 - TAXI 561 - EMS 562 - irishpub 563 - vinarna custom 564 - hotdog 565 - pivovar
PS : Credit goes to Joker#0952, do not sell the script as your product or service !!!!!
Made by Joker#0952