- United States
- jessemitchell.me
- @TotalCoder
- Pro
A fast, type-safe Rust implementation of JSONLogic for evaluating logical rules as JSON. Perfect for business rules engines and dynamic filtering in Rust applications.
Self-hosted Discord bot that plays from file attachments and custom download URLs instead of YouTube links
Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js
Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015
An experimental serialization system written in Rust
MetaGo provides fast cursor movement/selection for keyboard focused users in vscode
💪🔢🔒 bigint-hash: Hashing for TC39 BigInt Proposal
The federal and state tax data compiled and used by https://taxee.io
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
ARM7 assembly simulator with a javascript interpreter. The best of both worlds