Releases: Toukie/KOS
A.P.O.L.L.O. Release
GAPAPOV v1.5.0
Added launch script, Dv penalties when hillclimbing and cancel penalty buttons.
Added new dependencies logic and if a script in /missions_toukie/ has the same name as the ship it'll run that script.
Lots of bug fixes.
GAPAPOV v1.4.3
vecdraw off while docking
GAPAPOV v1.4.2
No more mandatory circularization when just changing orbit and messages when script has ended have been added.
GAPAPOV v1.4.1
Added staging function to mission script so it'll always check when to stage.
Updated version numbers in boot file and mission script.
GAPAPOV v1.4.0
Fixed bug where script calculates wrong place to burn at.
Added warning if not enough storage is available.
GAPAPOV v1.3.1
Updated README.txt and fixed non existing function errors.
GAPAPOV v1.3.0
KOS tutorials removed from repository and added to
Script now auto updates script if newest version is downloaded (including replacing old boot files).
Better destination picker logic.
GAPAPOV v1.2.1
GUI fixes and general tweaks
GAPAPOV v1.2.0
New GUI read outs and general bug fixes.