React component for calendar widget.
React Input Calendar is available as an npm package.
npm install react-input-calendar
Use browserify and reactify for dependency management and JSX transformation.
All styles written in CSS and are in file input-component.css.
var Calendar = require('react-input-calendar');
Type: String
Default: 'MM-DD-YYYY'
Allowed Keys: All formats supported by moment.js
Format of date, which display in input and set in date property.
Type: String
or Date
Default: Current date
Set initial date value.
Type: String
Default: null
Passes down the name for the input element
Type: Int
(from 0 to 2)
Default: 0 (DaysView)
Set minimal view. Values:
0 - days
1 - months
2 - years.
Type: String
Default: 'MM-DD-YYYY'
Allowed Keys: All formats supported by moment.js
Format of date for the onChange event. Default on the date format (ISO 8601) to ease the save of data.
Type: Function
Default: null
Set an function that will be triggered whenever there is a change in the selected date. It will return the date in the props.computableFormat
Type: Boolean
Default: undefined
Define state when date picker would close once the user has clicked on a date.
Type: String
Default: undefined
Value to show in the input text box if no date is set.