A Python script that automates the process of getting an appointment for NIE assignation. It can be modified in order to change the type of appointment.
- Python3
- Selenium
- Firefox installed
- Gecko Driver
- Install pip3 and geckodriver
sudo apt-get install pip3 firefox-geckodriver
- Install selenium
pip3 install selenium
- Get pip
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
- Install pip
python3 get-pip.py
- Install selenium
pip3 install selenium
- Install
brew install geckodriver
python3 nie.py <city> <passport> <full name> <country> <year of birth> <telephone> <email> <appointment type>
for example
python3 nie.py Madrid AAE1111111 "Ezequiel Leonardo Aceto" ARGENTINA XXXX 64XXXXXXX [email protected] "POLICIA-ASIGNACIÓN DE NIE"
For getting the requiered parameters, city and appointment type, visit: https://sede.administracionespublicas.gob.es/icpplustieb/index/ and complete the process one type manually. Then get the appointment type based on your city (which may vary from city to city).