Cool Library Message Studio recreation
An attempt to build a fully working LMS library written in C#.
- NET 5.0
- Syroot.BinaryData v2.0.1
If it doesnt automatically install the required Syroot.BinaryData versions:
install-Package -version 2.0.1 Syroot.IO.BinaryData
- Changing the endianess, encoding and version.
- Editing of the messages (including tag editing), attributes and style indices.
- Practically full yaml support. (ATO1 Section not yet included)
- Editing of the colors, the attribute infos, the control tags, the styles and the source files.
- Full yaml support.
- Reading of the fLow charts and the refernce labels.
- Reading of the languages and the fonts.
- Trippixyz: Project Leader, Programmer, Tester, Github Manager
- KillzXGaming: Implementation of other msbt types
- Kinnay: Reversing most of the files
- Ray Koopa: Syroot Library Developer
- Jenrikku: Help with setting up a C# library, Motivation on pushing this to Github finally