Bird's Eye View Perception
git and git flow cheat sheet
taogashi / relative_pose
Forked from prclibo/relative_poseA Collection of Algorithms for Relative Pose Estimation of a Calibrated Camera
Stanford Code From Cars That Entered DARPA Grand Challenges
whydaydayup / gpsCalibration
Forked from wuzhengy/gpsCalibrationGPS calibration using points cloud slam and other sensors
whydaydayup / aruco_ekf_slam
Forked from ydsf16/aruco_ekf_slamEKF-SLAM 算法实现,以ArUco码为路标,《概率机器人》第10章
whydaydayup / LidarCar
Forked from balanceTWK/LidarCar激光雷达小车,基于国产 RT-Thread 实时操作系统.
whydaydayup / Apollo-Note
Forked from YannZyl/Apollo-NoteNote for Apollo 3.0 perception, prediction and planning modules
whydaydayup / nav_amcl
Forked from gary-robotics/nav_amcl临摹amcl+改进:加入LUT、CDDT、GPU.
Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
whydaydayup / Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python
Forked from rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-PythonKalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filte…
whydaydayup / IndoorMapping
Forked from Quitino/IndoorMapping基于ORB-SLAM生成三维密集点云,并使用OctoMap构建室内导航地图。添加八叉树地图转换工具。
this is back end slam frame work for loam loop closure
whydaydayup / LOL
Forked from jyakaranda/LOLLaser Odometry and Localization
whydaydayup / ndt_map
Forked from jyakaranda/ndt_mapSLAM package using NDT registration library of Autoware with loop-closure detection (odometry based) referenced from lego_loam.
whydaydayup / A-LeGO-LOAM
Forked from jyakaranda/A-LeGO-LOAMAdvance-LeGO-LOAM
LOAM algorithm to use with the KITTI Dataset
whydaydayup / Interview
Forked from apachecn/InterviewInterview = 简历指南 + LeetCode + Kaggle
The LiDAR segmenters library, for segmentation-based detection.
whydaydayup / kalibr_allan
Forked from rpng/kalibr_allanIMU Allan standard deviation charts for use with Kalibr and inertial kalman filters.
whydaydayup / autoware_ros
Forked from jyakaranda/autoware_rosautoware 源码注释解析,会进行一些顺手的代码修改
whydaydayup / LLS-LOAM
Forked from YuePanEdward/LLS-LOAMLidar Odometry and Mapping with Mutiple Metrics Linear Least Square ICP
A list of references on lidar point cloud processing for autonomous driving