I'm Alexey Troshin, a senior software engineer.
I love diving into code and exploring the latest front-end technologies to create modern and responsive web apps.
- React, Vue.js 2.x, Vue.js 3.x (Composition API), Nuxt.js 2.x, Next.js;
- Redux (React) / Zustand / Vuex (Vue) for state management, redux-observables;
- Webpack (loaders and setting up custom configs), Vite;
- TypeScript 💙;
- SCSS, LESS, BEM, CSS Modules, TailwindCSS;
- Pug, Handlebars;
- Unit Testing with Jest, e2e with Cypress;
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to work on various projects, including data analysis and predictive modeling platforms, real estate, advertising, hotel business, translations. I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to learn and grow as a developer.
Apart from programming, I love cooking, travelling, playing video games and table tennis. I believe that a good work-life balance is key to staying motivated and productive in my work.
If you'd like to get in touch, you can find me on Linkedin, or check out my portfolio. Thanks for stopping by!