Tomás Sánchez Sánchez-Pastor, Grupo de Sistemas Complejos UPM
Firstly, you have to add an ssh key to your github account. To do so, just execute on the terminal:
$ ssh-keygen
And press enter to everything.
Then, copy the content on .ssh/ into your ssh keys on GitHub.
Once you did that you only need to run:
$ git clone [email protected]:TsspGit/CodVid19_CIEMAT.git
And the project would be copied to your current folder.
In this folder can be found the more general notebooks on ultracold atoms theory such as quasi-1D Harmonic Oscillator + Delta potential spectrum or a toy model of Landau Zener transitions.
- contains the values of the fundamental constants of the Hartee atomic units.
- python script to input the data as written in the papers and output the data as must be written in the codes. Run: ./ and the code start to ask the parameters. Output: Intensities in W/cm2 and the trap length.
- Units.ipynb a python notebook seemly to It contains the equations in LaTeX format.
- General_Figures Figures of the src/ notebooks.
- Convergence_With_Potential.ipynb this notebook uses two useful functions to read and plot the eigenvalues eassily, furthermore it presents an example of a well-convergenced execution.
Saved logs of otaold_2hm.csh and the scatlength vs potential parameter.
- potutils/ contains a function to read the potentials eassily.
- Li7Li7_potential071.ipynb an example of Li7-Li7 potential with parameter 071.