Create a pull request comment if a CI is trigged by Pull Request.
Install this extension to your project. Find the CreatePRCommentTask.
Name | Description |
Azure DevOps PAT | Select Azure DevOps Personal Access Token. or you can create new one |
Comment | If the pipeline is executed by Pull Request Validation, this task create a Pull Request Comment. |
On the Comment, you can use Variables. The variables will be substituted by the actual value. e.g. $(CWI.Id)
The comment becomes message body of your Pull Request Comment.
Put your Azure DevOps personal access token in PAT
. The PAT requires permission to write Code. For more detail, Pull Request Thread Comments - Create. Connection name
is just a label of this service connection. Server URL
is not used currently, however it might be good as memo which you use it for.
Sample of the Comment.
CredScan reports a <a href="$(CWI.Id)">Bug</a> created. Please review it.
For more details here.