Timer app pretending to be a media player.
Ultimately, serves the only purpose — to start a timer quickly and efficiently.
Notifications included! Utilizing GTK4, Adwaita and MPRIS interface.
flatpak install flathub io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer
Play Timer aims to be as keyboard friendly as possible.
Use navigation keys (arrows, tab, shift+tab, space, enter) or start inputting numbers right away.
Show timepicker UI (default true)
-start int
Start the timer immediately, don't show UI (value in seconds)
-title string
Name/title of the timer (default "Timer")
-text string
Notification text (default "Time is up!")
-color string
Progress color (#HEX) for the player, use "default" to use accent color (default "default")
Low fps (~3 for KDE, ~15 for GNOME). On Plasma, FPS > 6 causes flickering in the media player widget. Some may experience this even with FPS <= 6
Send desktop notification (default true)
Rounded corners (default true)
Shadow for progress image
-silence int
Play this milliseconds of silence before the actual sound — might be helpful for audio devices that wake up not immediately
Play sound (default true)
-volume float
Volume [0-1] (default 1)
# show UI for a red "Oven" timer
flatpak run io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer -title Oven -color "#FF4200"
# start a 120s "Tea" timer immediately
flatpak run io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer -title Tea -rounded=0 -sound=0 -start 120
Install gsettings schema (the app will crash on start otherwise):
sudo cp misc/io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer.gschema.xml /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
go run cmd/main.go -help
go build -tags wayland -o ./.bin/app ./cmd/main.go
flatpak run org.flatpak.Builder --force-clean --sandbox --user --install --install-deps-from=flathub --ccache .build io.github.efogdev.mpris-timer.yml
- Custom sounds
- Progress styles