- Sorting of Expiry dates
- Saving and Loading of trading Symbol Mapping
- Created base UI for Multi-Account-Details
- create the base ui (table based)
- stockbroker option as a drop-down
- no. of lots show at the end
- Name column as [identifier]
- Add a button to add a new row
- Add a button to delete a row (context-event)
- All fields should be hidden
- Add a button to save the data to excel
- Change Logo
- Fixing orderbook page update (tradexcb)
- Fix process terminate issue (tradexcb)
- Upload OHLC data to MYSQL instead of sqlite3 (api)
- Add filter logic and candle building logic to API (api)
- to be done in real-time conversion from 3 fields to 1 field (symbol name, atm_strike, expiry) --> (instrument)
- create the base ui (table)
- Order management table/with static fields
- Total algo migration to the UI
- Remove white palette from the UI (text color not showing)
- Live PNL integration to the UI (find actually field names used)
- Check for at-least one kite account (row one)
- Live PNL Grouping
- OMS dynamic fields
- set instrument_df_dict['close_position'] = 1 for cancel order
- kite, kite.quote
- iifl, xt.get_quote(instrument,1502,'JSON'), instrument: [{'exchangeSegment': 1, 'exchangeInstrumentID': int(res2['ExchangeInstrumentID'])}]
- res2['ExchangeInstrumentID'] get from iifl instrument file
- stop and start strategy not working, because of the get_live_ticks functions are still alive (how to get control?)
- Remove extra characters after paste (newline, tab-space, etc).
- popup dialog for order status.
- Parallelization of the order management
- Pending Tasks:
- store order status string in a datastructure for all active order ids.
- place/cancel orders parallelized.
- login test after login credentials are added.
[24 July, 2022]
- when few logs comes at the same point of time, last log is not displayed. #fix-this
- Whenever one user main order status is not 'COMPLETE' then :
- don't place SL order.
- Whenever one user main order status is not 'COMPLETE' then :
- things need to do to fix (a):
- create a class of user.
- embed all algo logic inside user's class.
- create unique id with timestamp and instrument and username. (1646844654_NIFTY22JULFUT_ABC)
- Check if master account login is success, else exit algo process.
- Try login to all accounts, whichever fails, delete that user from user list. (this user won't be user for rest part of the algorithm).
- Whenever one user main order status is not 'COMPLETE' then : don't place SL order.
- Order Status Page:
- create each row in "Order Management" table w.r.t. user x instrument times. ex. there are 10 users and 12 rows in trading symbol mapping table, then there'll be 10x12 = 120 rows (for all valid user accounts)
- remove iifl
- remove alice blue