SamRewritten is an open-source desktop application that allows you to unlock and relock your Steam achievements. It is named after the famous Steam Achievement Manager written by Gibbed, and implements its functionalities on Linux, and more!
SamRewritten is always evolving, we would be thrilled to listen to your feedback, ideas, and contributions!
⚠️ SamRewritten only works if Steam has been installed through your package manager (apt, pacman, ...).
1.Extract the SamRewritten.tar.xz archive to a folder of choice
2.Open the bin folder
This repository will be erased once the AppImage package on the original repository is fixed ❗❗❗
Original application made by: I dont take any credit for the application everything is made by PaulCombal and like I said before this repository will be erased once the AppImage package on the original repository is fixed. (By fixed I mean PaulCombal#164 (comment))
SamRewritten's features match and exceed the original SAM:
- Ability to unlock/relock achievements and change stats
- Asynchronous and cached icon downloads for games and achievements
- Ability to select/deselect all achievements for locking/unlocking
- Ability to search games, achievements, and stats and filter achievements by locked/unlocked
- Ability to launch another SamRewritten instance for a game in a new window
- Protected achievements and stats are detected
- Ability to show percent of players who achieved an achievement
- Ability to time achievement modifications
This last one warrants some explanation. SamRewritten allows you to specify across what time period, with what spacing, and in what order to lock/unlock achievements. For example, you can unlock 10 achievements of your choice in a random order across 4 hours with random spacing between them. This is a powerful tool to allow you to make achievement management look more natural, rather than unlocking them all at once. This option can be accessed in the GUI by starting a game, selecting the achievement modifications, click the menu icon, then selcting Start Timed Modifications. The same functionality can be used with the CLI as well via the --timed
parameter - an example is given in the next section.
As linux geeks we love to use command line options! SamRewritten's commandline can do all the operations its GUI can! Given no arguments, SamRewritten will launch graphically.
samrewritten [AppId] [OPTION...]
--apps Get the list of your owned apps.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-a, --app arg Set which AppId you want to use. Same as using
positional 'AppId'.
-i, --idle Set your Steam profile as 'ingame'. Ctrl+c to
--ls Display achievements and stats for selected app.
--sort arg Sort option for --ls. You can leave empty or set
to 'unlock_rate'.
--filter-achieved arg Filter option for --ls. You can use with 'yes'/'y'
or 'no'/'n' to only filter achived or not achieved ones.
Default is all.
--filter-protected arg Filter option for --ls. You can use with 'yes'/'y'
or 'no'/'n' to only filter protected or not protected ones.
Default is all.
--nostats Do not displays stats after achievements.
--unlock arg Unlock achievements for an AppId. Separate
achievement names by a comma.
--lock arg Lock achievements for an AppId. Separate
achievement names by a comma.
--timed Do a timed achievement modification. Arguments
that affect this are --amount, --units, --spacing,
and --order
--amount arg Control the amount of time spent for --timed
modifications. Specify units with --units. Default
is 1000
--units arg Control the units of time spent for --timed
modifications. Set to 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours',
or 'days'. Default is seconds
--spacing arg Control the spacing between appying each
modification for --timed modifications. Set to 'even' or
'random'. Default is even.
--order arg Control the order --timed achievement
modifications are applied in. Set to 'selection' or
'random'. Default is selection.
--timestamps Displays timestamps before time related information.
--statnames arg Change stats for an AppId. Separate stat names
by a comma. Use with statvalues to name the values
in order.
--statvalues arg Change stats for an AppId. Separate stat values
by a comma. Use with statnames to name the values
in order.
-p, --launch_achievements Launch SamRewritten GUI and immediately switch
to achievements page for the app.
--launch Actually just launch the app.
Change an achievement or stat value:
# Find what you want from the --ls command for app id 54 (you can retrieve app ids from the store page URL).
samrewritten 54 --ls
# Say we found achievements with IDs ach_500_kills and ach_found_something and stats stat_num_kills, stat_num_deaths
# Modify them like this
samrewritten 54 --unlock ach_500_kills,ach_found_something
samrewritten 54 --statnames stat_num_kills,stat_num_deaths --statvalues 10,1
Use the timed unlock on the commandline
# Using the same achievements from the previous example
samrewritten 54 --timed --unlock ach_500_kills,ach_found_something --amount 4 --units hours --spacing random --order random
SamRewritten uses JSON to communicate between the interface and the "backend logic" via sockets. If you plan to make an app using some of SamRewritten's features, feel free to ask for help, for support, for features, or to contribute.
You can find an overview of SamRewritten's internal logic and more in the doc folder. If you need more help getting started, feel free to ask questions and open issues. The more feedback we collect, the better we can make the documentation!
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 and comes with no warranty. Use it at your own risk. We believe you should not get any Steam ban using it, but we do not take any responsibility over your user experience.