A repo about visual fashion AI. This repo is inspired by Ayushi Dalmia and Tzu-Heng Lin. Note that the research areas below might be overlapped.
- ViBE: Dressing for Diverse Body Shapes, CVPR 2020 (oral)
- Compatible and Diverse Fashion Image Inpainting ICCV 2019 (oral)
- Multi-Similarity Loss with General Pair Weighting for Deep Metric Learning CVPR 2019, code
- Context-Aware Visual Compatibility Prediction CVPR 2019, code
- POG: Personalized Outfit Generation for Fashion Recommendation at Alibaba iFashion KDD 2019
- Creating Capsule Wardrobes from Fashion Images, CVPR 2018 (spotlight)
- Learning Fashion Compatibility with Bidirectional LSTMs ACM MM'17, code
- Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility ECCV 2018
- Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for Flexible Fashion Search CVPR 2018
- Learning the Latent "Look": Unsupervised Discovery of a Style-Coherent Embedding from Fashion Images ICCV 2017, project page, code
- Automatic Spatially-aware Fashion Concept Discovery ICCV 2017, data
- GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images, project page, code, data
- Fashion Editing with Adversarial Parsing Learning CVPR 2020
- Image Based Virtual Try-on Network from Unpaired Data CVPR 2020
- Towards Photo-Realistic Virtual Try-On by Adaptively Generating↔Preserving Image Content CVPR 2020, code
- Fashion++: Minimal Edits for Outfit Improvement ICCV 2019, project page
- M2E-Try On Net: Fashion from Model to Everyone ACM MM'19
- VITON: An Image-based Virtual Try-on Network CVPR 2018, code
- ClothFlow: A Flow-Based Model for Clothed Person Generation ICCV 2019
- Be Your Own Prada: Fashion Synthesis with Structural Coherence ICCV 2017, project page, code and data
- CA-GAN: Weakly Supervised Color Aware GAN for Controllable Makeup Transfer, ECCV 2020 Workshop, project page
- PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup Transfer CVPR 2020 (oral), code
- Beautyglow : On-demand makeup transfer framework with reversible generative network, code, demo
- LADN: Local Adversarial Disentangling Network for Facial Makeup and De-Makeup ICCV 2019, code
- Beholder-Gan: Generation and Beautification of Facial Images with Conditioning on Their Beauty Level ICIP 2019, code
- Semi-supervised Eye Makeup Transfer by Swapping Learned Representation ICCV 2019 Workshop
- Disentangled Makeup Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network, code
- PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup CVPR 2018
- BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network ACM MM'18, code
- Anti-Makeup: Learning A Bi-Level Adversarial Network for Makeup-Invariant Face Verification AAAI 18
- Examples-Rules Guided Deep Neural Network for Makeup Recommendation AAAI 17
- Makeup like a superstar: Deep Localized Makeup Transfer Network, IJCAI 2016
- Simulating Makeup through Physics-based Manipulation of Intrinsic Image Layers CVPR 2015
- "Wow! you are so beautiful today!" ACM MM'13
- Digital Face Makeup by Example CVPR 2009
- ICCV/ECCV/CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Fashion, Art and Design, CVPR 2020, ICCV 2019, ECCV 2018, ICCV 2017