Code from this repository was moved to tyk-analytics repo. Any changes in the Playwright framework should be introduced as PR in tyk-analytics repo.
- Node.js
- Webdriverio
- Timeline reporter for reporting
- Clone repository
- Install Dependencies
'npm install'
- Execute tests using
npm test
ornpm headless-test
- Report will be generated in results/report
We can execute test with following variables [default values]:
- URL [http://localhost:3000/] - dashboard UI url
- ADMIN_SECRET [12345] - admin secrted on environment
- CLEAN_TEST [true] - decide if test should be run on new Org and user
Below variables will be used only if CLEAN_TEST set to false
- USER_SECRET - user_secret to be used for API calls
- USER_EMAIL - email to be used for log-in
- USER_PASSWORD - password to be used for log-in
For creating new tests please copy and rename template_test.js file into test/specs/