A Effect-based library for managing browser navigation. Built on top of the Navigation API where supported, falling back to the History API, it provides a type-safe and composable way to handle routing, history management, and navigation events in your web applications.
Key benefits:
- Type-safe navigation with full TypeScript support
- Seamless integration with Effect for powerful error handling and composability
- Graceful fallback to History API in unsupported browsers
- First-class support for testing and SSR through memory-based navigation
- π― Type-Safe: Full TypeScript support with strict typing
- π Effect Integration: Built on top of the Effect ecosystem
- π§ Memory Navigation: In-memory navigation support for testing and SSR
- π Browser Support: Seamless integration with the browser's Navigation API
- π State Management: Built-in state management for navigation entries
- π Navigation Events: Comprehensive event system for navigation lifecycle
- π‘οΈ Error Handling: Type-safe error handling with Effect
npm install @typed/navigation
# or
pnpm add @typed/navigation
# or
yarn add @typed/navigation
import * as Navigation from '@typed/navigation'
import { Effect } from 'effect'
// Create a navigation instance
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
// Basic navigation operations
const destination = yield* Navigation.navigate('/new-path')
yield* Navigation.back()
yield* Navigation.forward()
// Navigate with state and options
yield* Navigation.navigate('/dashboard', {
state: { userId: 123 },
history: 'replace', // 'push' | 'replace' | 'auto'
info: { source: 'user-action' }
// Access current navigation state
const current = yield* Navigation.CurrentEntry
console.log(current.url.pathname) // '/dashboard'
console.log(current.state) // { userId: 123 }
// Check navigation capabilities
const canGoBack = yield* Navigation.CanGoBack
const canGoForward = yield* Navigation.CanGoForward
// Access navigation history
const entries = yield* Navigation.Entries
const specificEntry = entries[0]
yield* Navigation.traverseTo(specificEntry.key)
// Update current entry's state
yield* Navigation.updateCurrentEntry({
state: { userId: 123, lastUpdated: Date.now() }
// Reload current entry
yield* Navigation.reload({
state: { refreshed: true },
info: { source: 'refresh-button' }
// Listen to navigation events
yield* Navigation.onNavigation((event) =>
Effect.log(`Navigated to ${event.destination.url.pathname}`)
// Intercept navigation events
yield* Navigation.beforeNavigation((event) =>
Effect.gen(function* (_) {
console.log(`Navigating from ${event.from.url.pathname} to ${event.to.url.pathname}`)
// Can cancel
yield* Navigation.cancelNavigation
// Can redirect
yield* Navigation.redirect(...)
// Track ongoing transitions
const transition = yield* Navigation.transition
if (Option.isSome(transition)) {
const { from, to, type } = transition.value
console.log(`Transition in progress: ${type} from ${from.url.pathname} to ${to.url.pathname}`)
// Effect.provide(Navigation.initialMemory({ url: '/' }))
navigate(url, options?)
: Navigate to a new URLback(options?)
: Go back in historyforward(options?)
: Go forward in historytraverseTo(key, options?)
: Navigate to a specific history entryupdateCurrentEntry(options)
: Update the state of the current entryreload(options?)
: Reload the current entry
: Get the current navigation entryentries
: Access all navigation entriescanGoBack
: Check if backward navigation is possiblecanGoForward
: Check if forward navigation is possible
: Register handlers to run before navigationonNavigation
: Register handlers to run after navigationtransition
: Track ongoing navigation transitions
For testing or SSR environments:
import { Navigation } from '@typed/navigation'
import { Effect } from 'effect'
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
const nav = yield* Navigation.Navigation
// Use in-memory navigation
url: 'https://example.com',
state: { /* initial state */ }
For browser environments:
import { Navigation } from '@typed/navigation'
import { Effect } from 'effect'
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
const nav = yield* Navigation.Navigation
// Use browser's Navigation API
// Has support for:
// - <base href="...">
// - intercepting history.*
// - utilizing native Navigation API (currently Chrome only)
The library provides powerful capabilities to intercept and control navigation attempts through the useBlockNavigation
API. This is useful for scenarios like:
- Preventing navigation when there are unsaved changes
- Showing confirmation dialogs before navigation
- Redirecting users to different paths based on conditions
import { Navigation } from '@typed/navigation'
import { Effect } from 'effect'
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
// Create a blocking navigation instance
const blockNavigation = yield* Navigation.useBlockNavigation({
// Optional: Specify when to block navigation
shouldBlock: (event) => Effect.succeed(true)
// Listen to blocking events and handle them
yield* Effect.forkScoped(blockNavigation.whenBlocked(
(blocking) =>
Effect.gen(function* (_) {
// You can:
// 1. Confirm the navigation
yield* blocking.confirm
// 2. Cancel the navigation
yield* blocking.cancel
// 3. Redirect to a different path
yield* blocking.redirect('/different-path', {
state: { /* optional state */ },
info: { /* optional info */ }
// Provide the navigation layer
You can also use beforeNavigation
for simpler blocking scenarios:
yield* Navigation.beforeNavigation((event) =>
Effect.gen(function* (_) {
if (shouldBlock(event)) {
// Cancel the navigation
return yield* Navigation.cancelNavigation
if (shouldRedirect(event)) {
// Redirect to a different path
return yield* Navigation.redirectToPath('/new-path')
// Allow the navigation to proceed
return Effect.none()