Paper Title: Enabling Deep Learning of Emotion With First-Person Seed Expressions
Authors: Hassan Alhuzali, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed & Lyle Ungar.
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
- Each line contains 3 comma separated fields (CSV), with the header: "tweet_id","emotion_relevance","emotion_category".
- "tweet_id": The Twitter id of the tweet
- "emotion_relevance:" Whether the tweet carries emotion or not (relevant to the task or not; binary "YES"/"NO")
- "emotion_category": The category of emotion the tweet carries.
- Note: Tweets that have "emotion_relevance"=NO are not considered for the "emotion_category" classification task. As such, the label under "emotion_category" is the suspected label if the "emotion_relevance" were to be equal to YES.
- Filename: "Lama_dataset.csv".
- Each line contains 2 comma separated fields (CSV), with the header: "tweet_id","emotion_category".
- "tweet_id": The Twitter id of the tweet
- "emotion_category": The category of emotion the tweet carries.
- Filename: "Lama_dist_dataset.csv".
- We provide our data splits for Lama-dataset (Gold) as described in the paper.
- Link: Dataset-split
- The dataset is released exclusively for research purposes. For other uses, permission must be acquired from the authors.
- Please cite the paper if you use our data.
title = {{Enabling Deep Learning of Emotion With First-Person Seed Expressions}},
author = {Alhuzali, Hassan and Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad and Ungar, Lyle},
pages = {25--35},
url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-1104},
year = {2018}