Cirrina, a distributed Collaborative State Machines (CSM) runtime for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum. Collaborative state machines is a state machine-based programming model for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum inspired by David Harel's statecharts.
For the Collaborative State Machines Language specification, visit CSML Specifications.
Collaborative State Machines and the Cirrina runtime are created and developed by the Distributed and Parallel Systems Group of the Universität Innsbruck.
To run a Cirrina runtime without compiling or building a Docker image manually, the Cirrina Docker Image can be used as follows:
docker run \
marlonetheredgeuibk/cirrina:develop \
--nats-context-url nats:// \
--nats-event-url nats:// \
Please refer to the help text for arguments, cirrina -h
Usage: cirrina [options]
--delete-job, -d Flag to delete the job after it is consumed
(default: true)
--event-handler, -e Specifies the event handler type to use (default:
Nats) (values: [Nats])
--health-port, -z Port number for the HTTP health check service
(default: 51966)
--help, -h Show this help message
--manager, -m Run the application in manager mode (default:
--nats-bucket Bucket name used for storing the persistent
context (default: persistent)
--nats-context-url NATS server connection string for managing
persistent context (default:
--nats-event-url NATS server connection string for event handling
(default: nats://localhost:4222/)
--persistent-context, -p Specifies the persistent context type to use
(default: Nats) (values: [Nats])
--zk-session-timeout Session timeout for ZooKeeper, in milliseconds
(default: 3000)
--zk-timeout Timeout for ZooKeeper connections, in milliseconds
(default: 3000)
--zk-url ZooKeeper connection string (default:
The Cirrina documentation can be found here.
The following components are used by this version of Cirrina:
Name | Version |
Cirrina-Specifications | 2.0 |
Cirrina-UseCases | 1.0.0 |
Attributions can be found here.