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2019 USEPA R User Group Workshop Agenda

On-line participation details:

There will be a remote participation option for the presentations and workshops. Details with Webinar Details are listed below.

On-site details:

The workshop is being held at the US EPA campus in Research Triangle Park, NC.

Twitter (not officially sanctioned)

We've been using #eparstats for EPA related R events. Feel free to live tweet, unless otherwise directed!

Mon, August 12

Time Room Title Speaker
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Registration
1:00 PM - 1:10 PM C111 A,B,C Introduction Jeff Hollister, US EPA, Office of Research and Development
1:10 PM - 1:30 PM C111 A,B,C Welcome Vince Allen, US EPA Chief Architect, Office of Mission Support
Keynote Address
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM C111 A,B,C Lessons from the trenches: bridging technical camps with empathy, grace, and occasional profanity JD Long, RenaissanceRe
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Break
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM C111 A,B,C Packaging your research problem: the case of CityWaterBalance for R Laura Erban, US EPA, ORD
3:25 PM - 3:45 PM C111 A,B,C Package Management for Reproducible R Code Cole Arendt, RStudio
3:50 PM - 4:10 PM C111 A,B,C Expose your R functions with an API Tom Purucker, US EPA, ORD
4:15 PM - 4:35 PM C111 A,B,C Evaluation of a numerical air quality model: Data wrangling large NetCDF files with R Kristen Foley, US EPA, ORD
4:40 PM - 5:00 PM C111 A,B,C Machine Learning at EPA: Who, What, Where, When, and Why Elizabeth Mannshardt, US EPA, OMS
5:05 PM - 5:25 PM C111 A,B,C Ambient Air Monitoring Network Assessment Tools using R shiny Benjamin Wells, US EPA, OAR
Evening Activities
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Marriott at Research Triangle Park Informal Social All!

Tues, August 13

To find out more about each, follow this link to the "Workshop Descriptions."

Time Room Title Speaker
Morning Workshops
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM C111 A,B Introduction to R - Part 1 Jeff Hollister, US EPA, ORD/NHEERL, Clinton McCrowey, US EPA, Region 3
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM C114 Working with Spatial Data in R Marc Weber, US EPA, ORD/NHEERL and Michael McManus, US EPA, ORD/NCEA
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM C111 C Using R, Markdown, and Other Tools for Reproducible Research Eric Beck, US EPA, Region 1 and Emily Li, US EPA, ORD/NRMRL
12:00 AM - 1:30 PM On your own
Afternoon Workshops
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM C111 A,B Introduction to R - Part 2 Jeff Hollister, US EPA, ORD/NHEERL, Clinton McCrowey, US EPA, Region 3
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM C114 Network Analysis/Graph Analysis techniques Nate Pollesch, US EPA, ORD/NHEERL and Jennifer Olker, US EPA, ORD;NHEERL
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM C111 C An Introduction to Shiny, R Markdown & htmlwidgets with Applications in Research Phil Bowsher, RStudio

Wed, August 14

Time Room Title Speaker
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM C111 A,B,C Welcome and Opening Remarks Ann Vega, ORD/OSIM
8:15 AM - 11:25 AM C111 A,B,C Version Control, GitHub, and Bitbucket Workshop Terry Brown, Jameel Alsalam, Sharon Kenny, Nick Mangus, Ben Murphy, Allen Brookes
11:25 AM - 11:45 AM C111 A,B,C Where to look for code Michelle Ibarra, and others
11:45 AM - Noon Wrap-up Ann Vega

Workshop Descriptions:

  • Introduction to R (Full Day): Participants in this workshop will be introduced to R through the lense of the "Tidyverse" as well as learn basics of the R Language for statistical computing. In particular we will: 1) learn the fundamentals of R including syntax, functions, and packages; 2) spend quality time with the core R data structure, the data frame; 3) learn how to manipulate our data with the dplyr and tidyr packages; and 4) gain expereince creating data visualizations with ggplot2. Our goal is to set learners up with a foundation for future exploration of R.
  • Working with Spatial Data in R (Half Day): This workshop will focus on the fundamentals of working with spatial data in R – reading and writing spatial data, dealing with map projections, packages for handling both vector and raster data, and visualizing and mapping spatial data in R. After covering fundamentals, we’ll move through example exercise demonstrating spatial operations such as spatial joins, spatial subsetting, spatial aggregatuibm cropping raster data, and extracting raster data for points and we’ll make use of packages such as sf, sp, raster, rgdal, maptools, and several others. A basic working knowledge of R will be assumed.
  • Using R, Markdown, and Other Tools for Reproducible Research (Half Day): Participants will learn the basics of Markdown, LaTeX and the R package knitr. They will then proceed to use these tools to facilitate reproducible research (and reports) with R. Participants will be given resources to try later as a reinforcement to the topics discussed.
  • Network Analysis/Graph Analysis techniques (Half Day): Networks and graphs are a flexible framework for organizing complex interactions between large number of entities. In this workshop, using the igraph package in R, we will start from scratch by building a small network. We will then import a larger more complicated network and go through the process of encoding node and edge attributes. We will discuss graph layout options and complete some standard analyses. In the end, participants will gain a familiarity with the how to build, import, visualize and analyze networks in R.
  • An Introduction to Shiny, R Markdown & htmlwidgets with Applications in Research (Half Day): RStudio will be presenting an overview of creating interactive visualizations, dashboards and Shiny Apps. This short course will provide an introduction to flexible and powerful tools for statistical analysis, reproducible research and interactive visualizations. The hands-on course will include an overview of how to build Shiny apps and R Markdown documents.
  • Version Control, GitHub, and Bitbucket Workshop (Half Day): The basics of using git and GitHub for version control and reproducible research at EPA, with an introduction to EPA's new Bitbucket services. An overview presentation will be followed by a hands on session.


Materials from an R User Group workshop








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