C++ Header only library to get Raspberry Pi model Name(eg: A, B, B+...) and secondary informations provided a table https://elinux.org/RPi_HardwareHistory on eLinux.
The Class GetRPiModel recognize what revision of Raspberry Pi running on it, and return the Raspberry Pi model infomation and other infos according to the table on this page.
Because there are several difference of Hardware configration depend on revision of Raspberry Pi. For example, UART device of 3 Model B is /dev/ttyS0 while UART of othe model is /dev/ttyAMA0. So you should put a conditional branch
GetRPimodel is a header only, so just include GetRPiModel.h on your source, that's it.
#include "GetRPiModel.h"
int main(){
// Define GetRPiModel object.
GetRPiModel m;
// return "enum class RPiModel" of unified model name.
switch (m.model()){
case RPiModel::B3:
uart = "/dev/ttyS0"s;
uart = "/dev/ttyAMA0"s;
cout << "Model(enum): ";
cout << m.model() << '\n';
Please refer example.cpp as an example code.
Return revison string of the Raspberry Pi which the GetRPimodel running on.
functions which return corresponding string according to the table on eLinux.
- release_date() return Release Date.
- model_strict() return Model.
- PCB_revision() return PCB Revision.
- memory() return Memory.
- notes() return Note.
For convenience, return unified string of RaspberryPi model as follows.
- "B" is unified from "B", B (Beta)", "B (ECN0001)"
- "A"
- "B+"
- "Compute Module" is unified from "Compute Module 1", "Compute Module 3 (and CM3 Lite)"
- A+"
- "2 Model B" is unified from "2 Model B", "2 Model B (with BCM2837)"
- "Zero" is unified from "Zero", "Zero W"
- "3 Model B" is unified from "3 Model B", "3 Model B+"
- "3 Model A" is unified from "3 Model A+"
Return RPiModel enum class member defined under the GetRPimodel.h as follows:
enum class RPiModel {
B, A, B_plus, Compute_Module, A_plus, B2, Zero, B3, A3
The unification logic is the same as model_unified().
Python version is also availabel as here.
- 2019.02.7 version_1.0.0 First release.