DIY: Watch your chili plant grow.
What you'll need:
Some working-knowledge with linux and python is fine.
A small flower pot, potting soil and chili seeds.
Raspberry Pi with preinstalled Image (I am using Raspbian).
Raspberry Pi Cam (I am using v2.1).
Python 3 (libraries skimage, numpy).
sudo pip3 install scikit-image numpy
sudo apt install mencoder lame
Put some soil into the flower pot and bury a few chili seeds in it. Water the plant!
Build a camera mount.
Make sure to be in your home directory of the raspberry. E.g. /home/pi/
Clone this repository to your raspberry with command:
Create a new entry in your crontab:
crontab -e
Insert new line with following contents:
0 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * /home/pi/chiliPi/
This will run the py script every 2 hours infinitely
After a while, you will have collected enough pictures of your plant.
Let's make a video of it:
Run the python script like so:
This script will get rid of pictures which are too dark and produce the final video.
Now there should be a video called chiliPi.mp4 in your chiliPi folder. Congratz, you made it!