BuildMyPC is a database-driver dynamic website created using Ruby on Rails framework. The website deals with the components of a computer where the user navigates through the website finding information such as price and usage of the component of their interest. The admin has special access to editing the information of products and adding more products among other capabilities, whereas a user has only viewing privileges as of now.
- Rails version - 5.1.2 Follow Details on Using Rbenv
Deployed using Heroku
Steps to deploy-
- heroku login
- heroku keys:add
- heroku create
- git push heroku master
- Rails 5.1.2 - The framework used
- Carrier Wave - Image management gem
- Cloudinary - Image management service
- Bootstrap - Front-end
- Trix - Used for text-editing
- Will-paginate - Used for pagination
- Implementing full fledged ecommerce website functionalities such as add to cart function for user.