Fitting resonators is really the bread and butter of the circuit QED engineer. Hence, it is absolutely crucial to have fast and reliable routines to perform this task.
To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no satisfying method in the literature to efficiently perform the fit of the scattering parameter of a resonator, apart from the one described in this paper from 2014. This method is far from being perfect and has two main flaws:
Frist, it simply tries to fit a circle to the data in the complex plane. Hence, this method completely ignores the "cinematic" encoded in the data when
Secondly, if the fit of the electrical delay fails, then the data effectively lies on a circle of radius
In this note, we present an analytical method to perform this task.
We use the convention described in the Gardiner for the input/output relation:
In the rotating frame at
By definition, the scattering parameter is defined by:
We consider:
We find:
The only fittable parameters in this formula are
We find:
In this case, both
To get the hanger scattering parameter, one should modify the input/output relation as follow:
In this context, we can now compute:
We find:
In this paper from 2014 is described how to take into account the effect of an impedance mismatch in the context of the hanger geometry. In this case,
In this case, only the real part of the complex coupling rates contribute to the total loss-rate of the cavity
One should introduce the parameter
From a geometrical point of view in the complex plan, it allows the rotation of the circle described by
In practise, adding this degree of freedom to the formula loosens the precision of the fit of
Taking inspiration for what was done for the hanger, we allow the rotation around
The modified scattering parameter for the reflection geometry is as follow:
Again, the precision of the fit of
In a real life scenario of circuit QED, the scattering parameter of a resonator is always dressed.
First, since these resonators are meant to operate at very low energy scales, one always uses an extensive attenuation chain to send signal in, and a powerful amplification chain to retrieve the outputted signal. This results in an arbitrary complex multiplicative prefactor
Second, the resonator is always at a finite distance from the instrument used to measure it. As a consequence, the phase of the outputted signal will vary as a function of its frequency depending on this distance and the speed of light in the medium that carries the signal. This has the effect to multiply the scattering parameter by a factor
Hence, what is actually to be fitted in most cases is:
Ingoring the electrical for now, one can observe that all the scattering parameters we described can be written in the form:
We propose a efficent procedure to extract these coefficents from a noised signal.
As described in the lecture notes of Francis Bach, given a set of points
We can now easily solve for
Not only is this formulation super elegant, it allows for very fast compution. It is actually the one implemented in the Python libreary numpy in the function polyfit
We take inspiration of this approach in the next section to find an efficient fitting procedure in our case.
We are given a set
We whould like the find the global minimum of the least square risk. In this context it reads:
We write:
We now introduce the following empirical risk:
Note that this risk is not yet the one associated with the least square regression, however its zeros includes the one of the least square risk. Indeed, if
We now solve for
We write:
Leading to:
Diagonalizing this
This is very nice and efficient to compute, though in the case of noised signals the fit while eventually fail since this risk dose not coincide with
To solve this issue, one can observe that the
You can now pick your prefered empirical estimator of the gradient
The corrected values for the matrices
Performing the conversion from the coefficients
Assuming a flat frequencial landscape, the best estimator of the electrical delay one can write is the following:
Please observe that this estimator should be much more robust to noised signals than performing an unwraping of the signal phase such as the one implemented in the Python library Numpy in the function unwrap
In the case of a simple resonator, the signal performs at wrost a full revolution around the origin of the complex plane. Since on modern hardware the diagonalisation of a four by four matrix such as
This simple method proves to be really efficient.