IS 2020 project by Junipero team
The game "capture the flag" is formed of two enemy teams that compete. Each team will have a fort, where it will be guarded their flag. The members of each team must capture the flag of the opponents and protect their flag, so that it is not taken. The team that takes the opposing flag first wins.
The app was designed to be a technological support to a famous children’s game, but it also wants to motivate the users of the app, whether they are teenagers or adults, to perform physical activity in an open space, necessarily very large. The app breaks the barriers of not having to have the physical equipment (eg flags, forts), and makes the game more comfortable thanks to the use of the smartphone only: for example, when a player runs, can safely put it in his pocket. This app is a great way to interrupt, disconnect from your commitments and allows anyone to have fun and get started. It has been designed for those who have not played for a long time now to steal the flag and would benefit in rediscovering a traditional game for everyone. The goal is also to bring to light the game, modernizing it and make it more accessible to all, and give an extra motivation to those who would like to resume exercise, but is not sufficiently enticed.