taobao paipai JD plat apis taobao.php is the application file t.php is the function file config.php is the config file
it's used to connect to taobao,paipai and jingdong open plat to get data or change something. I put the SDK packages to one place and to use it in one input which is the taobao.php U can change t.php to extend more functions to taobao.php.
taobao functions /*get promotion price */ /*get stocks */ /*change goods attrs */ /*main img bat change like get,handle,upload to taobao */
something u like need to find
整合了淘宝,拍拍,京东三个主流平台的第三方商品管理接口 taobao.php 是主入口文件 t.php是接口功能文件 config.php是配置文件,主要放key和secret这些