A basic web framework for learning purposes. Built from the ground up with zero dependencies. Heavily inspired by the final project in the Rust book.
- Simple, extensible API for defining route handlers.
- Basic thread pooling for concurrent request handling.
use std::{fs, net::TcpListener};
use toywebrs::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("localhost:8080").unwrap();
Router::new(listener, ThreadPool::new(5))
.add_route(Method::GET, "/", |_| Response {
status: Status::Ok,
headers: Headers::new(),
body: Some(fs::read_to_string("assets/hello.html").unwrap()),
.add_route(Method::GET, "/other", |_| Response {
status: Status::NotFound,
headers: Headers::new(),
body: Some(fs::read_to_string("assets/404.html").unwrap()),
.add_route(Method::POST, "/ping", |request| Response {
status: Status::Ok,
headers: Headers::new(),
body: request
.map(|body| format!("Your body: {body}"))
.or(Some("You didn't provide a body".to_owned())),