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Deep Learning model implementation for Fire detection both classification and segmentation from the FLAME dataset.
We have carried out binary semantic segmentation to detect wildfire and smoke. We used 4 bakbone architectures- Mobile Vision Transformer- Small and Extra Small Variant , Mobilenetv3 -Large variant…
This repository tackles object segmentation and detection using deep learning. It implements Segment Anything Model (SAM) for segmenting water bodies in satellite imagery and Faster R-CNN for detec…
Scraping the web for satellite images and then training a convolutional neural network on the images to detect wildfires.
In this project, we detect forest wildfire from given satellite images using deep learning.
predicting the trajectory of wildfire using deep learning
Code for the School of AI challenge "Explainable AI for Wildfire Forecasting", sponsored by Pi School to help NOA, the National Observatory of Athens, work with Explainable Deep Learning for Wildfi…
Location-aware Adaptive Normalization: A Deep Learning Approach for Wildfire Danger Forecasting
A multi-purpose dataset for data-driven wildfire modeling in the Mediterranean. Deep Learning models for wildfire modeling, e.g. danger forecasting, burned area prediction, etc
Forecasting wildfire danger using deep learning.
Deep Learning Models for Wildfire Danger Forecasting
Using Apache Kafka, a simulation of real-time streaming is processed through publicly available data
Welcome to my Wildfire capstone project. This project develops a classification model to predict wildfires management complexity levels. This is a wildfire risk, size, and impact based project.
Download wildfires data from NOAA satellites
Gathers the latest wildfire data and sends texts to users about relevant fires. Powers https://caseymm.github.io/fire-nearby/.
With FireFume you are able to predict next day wildfire growth. Interactive Wildfire Application using autoencoders,
will be used in wildfire mapping in the future
Modeling historical and projecting future area burned in boreal forests of North America
The repo for Team Cedar Bend, 2nd place, at the MAG Wildfire Hackathon held at UWaterloo
FUELVISION: A Multimodal Data Fusion and Multimodel Ensemble Algorithm for Wildfire Fuels Mapping
A web app that allows users to see the current wildfires in Canada
Analyzing the wildfire activities in Australia by plotting and visualization, as well as creating a Dashboard to display charts based on selected region and year.
Main Repo for Wildfire Resource Simulator
Download wildfire hotspots detected by NASA satellites and the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
Fire detection using InceptionResNet, Python3, Tensorflow
Datasets for remote sensing images (Paper:Exploring Models and Data for Remote Sensing Image Caption Generation)
Implementation of Mobile Edge Computing Server for Live Streaming Video Applications