Health in Hands is a platform which would eradicate the problems of missing medical reports for the patients by providing them an online portal where they can manage their reports. It would also help them to schedule an appointment with the required doctor/diagnostic center as per their convenience.
- Missing medical records
- Small clinics/hospitals do not maintain patient’s records
- Wait time in the hospitals/clinics for consultation
- Difficulty in finding the best suited doctor
- We go through some of the tests that we do not need only because of missing reports
- An application/service that will help us to record our medical reports
- An application that will help in searching the best suited doctor for our problem
- An application that will give us information on the nearest diagnostic centers
- An application that will help us in scheduling an appointment with ease
- Diagnostic Centers
- Doctors
- Patients
Indian Medical Association is the only representative voluntary organization of doctors of modern scientific system of medicine which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being of the community at large
- People who what to maintain their health records electronically
- Doctors and Health organizations who want to reach out patients online
- Health in Hands application can be extended to other countries
- This application can also be extended to android users
- Patient would be able to view what medicines are available in a particular pharmacy and order them online
- Patient would be able to share reports with doctor if required
- Patient would be able to setup a video call with doctor