- Rostock, Germany
tvdatafeed Public
Forked from rongardF/tvdatafeedA simple TradingView historical Data Downloader
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedAug 8, 2024 -
Awesome-Bioinformatics Public
Forked from danielecook/Awesome-BioinformaticsA curated list of awesome Bioinformatics libraries and software.
UpdatedAug 14, 2020 -
adam Public
Forked from bigdatagenomics/adamADAM is a genomics analysis platform with specialized file formats built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark, and Apache Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
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Forked from RamiKrispin/coronavirusThe coronavirus dataset
R Other UpdatedJun 19, 2020 -
education.rstudio.com Public
Forked from rstudio/education.rstudio.comCSS Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedMay 26, 2020 -
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Forked from mmphego/dot-filesBackup of my dotfiles.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2020 -
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Forked from yorevs/homesetupYour shell good as hell ! Not just dotfiles.
Shell The Unlicense UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
ComputationalGenomicsManual Public
Forked from linsalrob/ComputationalGenomicsManualRobs manual for the computational genomics and bioinformatics class.
Shell MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2020 -
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Forked from VPanjeta/ModiScriptAcche din aa gaye
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2020 -
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Forked from cloudtools/tropospheretroposphere - Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMar 26, 2020 -
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Forked from viatsko/awesome-vscode🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
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Forked from ropensci/drakeAn R-focused pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
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Forked from MunGell/awesome-for-beginnersA list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
UpdatedMar 22, 2020 -
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Forked from opsdroid/opsdroid🤖 An open source chat-ops bot framework
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 21, 2020 -
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Forked from davidliwei/awesome-CRISPRList of software/websites/databases/other stuff for genome engineering
MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2020 -
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Forked from workflowr/workflowrOrganize your project into a research website
R Other UpdatedMar 20, 2020 -
awesome-shell Public
Forked from alebcay/awesome-shellA curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 7, 2020 -
packrat Public
Forked from rstudio/packratPackrat is a dependency management system for R
R UpdatedNov 14, 2019 -
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Forked from marcotcr/limeLime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 11, 2019 -
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Forked from MaximilianHanussek/virtual_clusterCreating a virtual cluster on demand in an OpenStack environment including a UNICORE instance.
Shell UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
bioconda-recipes Public
Forked from mdehollander/bioconda-recipesConda recipes for the bioconda channel.
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NumPy Public
Forked from KeithGalli/NumPyJupyter Notebook & Data Associated with my Tutorial video on the Python NumPy Library
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Forked from firmai/techniquesJupyter Notebook and Python business intelligence tools and techniques. [Raw upload]
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
Deep_learning_examples Public
Forked from liyu95/Deep_learning_examplesExamples of using deep learning in Bioinformatics
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
Snakemake_Tutorial Public
Forked from deto/Snakemake_TutorialA short tutorial on getting started with Snakemake for workflow management
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 1, 2019 -
BASTA Public
Forked from timkahlke/BASTABasic Sequence Taxonomy Annotator
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
2018-ncbi-lineages Public
Forked from dib-lab/2018-ncbi-lineagesExtract lineage CSVs from NCBI for use with sourmash lca.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
Rhea Public
Forked from Lagkouvardos/RheaA set of R scripts for the analysis of microbial profiles
R MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2017 -
FMAP Public
Forked from jiwoongbio/FMAPFunctional Mapping and Analysis Pipeline for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics studies
Perl Other UpdatedJun 27, 2017