This is an unofficial Arch WSL based on the rootfs of arch docker images with a few packages installed to make your life easy
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Make sure WSL is enabled in you system - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
You can install Arch WSL from Microsoft Store OR if you don't want to use Microsoft Store then download the latest msix package from Release Page
Note - to install manually from the msix package you need to install the .cer file first to the "Trusted Root Certificate Store" of the "local machine"
- After installation is complete from microsoft store or manual install when you open the app you will be presented with a screen to create a user account go ahead with it and complete the account creation to finish installation
Note - The password entering feild does not display your password but it still records it
Please just reinstall glibc
, then everything will be ok!
This is because the docker image that is heavily stripped!
- Visual Studio 2022
- Python
Fork and clone your fork of the Project
Generate a test certificate:
- In Visual Studio, open ArchWSL-Appx/MyDistro.appxmanifest
- Select the Packaging tab
- Select "Choose Certificate"
- Click the Configure Certificate drop-down and select Create test certificate.
Copy tar.gz containing your distro into the x64 folder at the root of the project and rename it to rootfs.tar.gz
Note - You can get the rootfs.tar.gz file from the releases page
- Then open a terminal window in the root of the project and type in the command
python build.py --target=build --config=debug --platform=x64
The main Root FS file this app is based on is at - https://github.com/VSWSL/Arch-WSL-RootFS
It is based on Arch Docker Image with few tweaks and pre-installed dependencies