- Chennai
(UTC +05:30) - https://vageeshjayaraman.vercel.app
- https://www.kaggle.com/jvageesh11
Quote-API Public
Effortlessly generate quotes via our public, no-sign-in API. Perfect for developers needing inspirational, humorous, or motivational content.
Quote-API-Reloaded Public
Instantly access quotes with a public, no-sign-in API. Covering motivation, fitness, relationships, affirmations and positivity, all in one place!
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2025 -
Automate fish feeding with a smart nutrient dispensing system using NodeMCU, sensors, and a servo motor-backed by a design patent for innovation.
This project focuses on flood image segmentation utilizing the U-Net architecture implemented in TensorFlow framework.
AuraWeather Public
Android app that delivers accurate weather forecasts and live 3D Earth visualizations of global wind, weather and ocean conditions.
PokeRealm Public
Android app that lets users search for Pokémon, generate AI-powered stories and experience them in augmented reality while saving favorites locally.
Dart UpdatedJun 21, 2024 -
This project focuses on plant leaf image segmentation utilizing the FPN (Feature Pyramid Network) architecture implemented in PyTorch framework.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 27, 2024 -
Control your cursor with eye and head movements, and blink to click on grid elements.
This project focuses on implementing intrusion detection using decision trees on the CICIDS2018 dataset. The CICIDS2018 dataset is a comprehensive collection of labeled network traffic data suitabl…
AlexNet implemented in TensorFlow for classifying 20 bird species.