Welcome to "Fork, Commit, Merge"!
A project designed to help you familiarize yourself with the open source contribution workflow on GitHub.
More info about this project, contributing and open source resources, are available on our website at
- Prerequisites
- Setup Instructions
- Tasks
- Submitting Your Changes
- Best Practices
- Influences
- What's Next?
- Creating New Tasks
- Contact
- License
- List of Contibutors
Before you start, you'll need to install Git.
- For JavaScript, TypeScript or TailwindCSS related issues, you need to install Node.js and npm.
- For Python related issues, you need to install Python.
- For Ruby related issues, you need to install Ruby.
- For PHP related issues, you need to install PHP.
- For Go related issues, you need to install Golang.
- For Dart related issues, you need to install Dart.
- For Rust related issues, you need to install Rust.
- For SQL related issues, you need to install sqlite3.
- For HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML or Markdown related issues, you don't need to install anything else.
Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history.
- For Linux users, you can install Git via your distribution's package manager. For example, on Arch you would use the command:
sudo pacman -S git
and in Ubuntu/Debian:sudo apt-get install git
- For macOS users, you can install Git via Homebrew with the command:
brew install git
- For Windows users, download Git from Git for Windows and follow the installation instructions.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, and npm is a package manager for Node.js.
- You can download Node.js and npm from the official Node.js website. This will install both Node.js and npm on your machine. Follow the instructions on the website to install them.
- Visit the official Python website's download page.
- Click on the latest Python release.
- Scroll down to the Files section and download the Windows x86-64 executable installer for 64-bit version of Windows.
- Run the installer file and follow the instructions, making sure to tick the box that says "Add Python to PATH" before clicking Install Now.
Mac OS X should come pre-installed with Python, but in case it's not installed, here's how to install it:
- Visit the official Python website's download page.
- Click on the latest Python release.
- Download the macOS 64-bit installer.
- Open the downloaded .pkg file and follow the instructions to install Python.
Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. To check if you have Python installed, open a terminal and type python3 --version
If you need to install or upgrade Python, you can do so with the package manager for your Linux distribution. For Ubuntu, you can use the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3
Download the RubyInstaller for Windows from the official website. Run the installer package and follow the on-screen instructions.
Ruby comes pre-installed on Mac OS X, but if you need to upgrade or install a different version, you can use Homebrew or RVM (Ruby Version Manager).
With Homebrew:
Open terminal and type brew install ruby
With RVM:
Open Terminal and type \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
Then install Ruby with rvm install ruby
Open Terminal and type sudo apt-get install ruby-full
Arch Linux:
Open Terminal and type sudo pacman -S ruby
For other Linux distributions, the command may be different. Refer to the documentation specific to your package manager.
- Download the PHP ZIP package from https://windows.php.net/download.
- Extract the ZIP file and rename the extracted directory to php.
- Move the php directory to C:.
- Add C:\php to your system's PATH environment variable.
Mac OS:
PHP comes pre-installed on Mac OS X. To upgrade or install a different version, consider using Homebrew:
- Open Terminal and type
brew install php
Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
- Open Terminal and type
sudo apt install php
For macOS and Linux, you can use the terminal to install Go:
- On macOS, if you have Homebrew installed, type:
brew install go
. - On Linux, the command will depend on your distro's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you would type:
sudo apt-get install golang
. - On Windows, go to the official Go downloads page, and download the binary release suitable. Use the MSI installer and follow the prompts to install the Go tools. It is recommended to leave the default settings for when asked about installation directory or PATH variables.
To check your installation, open a terminal and type: go version
. This should return the installed version of Go.
For macOS and Linux, you can use the terminal to install Dart:
- On macOS, if you have Homebrew installed, type:
brew install dart
. - On Linux, the command will depend on your distro's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you would type:
sudo apt-get install dart
For Windows, go to the official Dart SDK Install page, and download the SDK suitable for your system. Use the Dart installer and follow the prompts to install the Dart SDK. It is recommended to leave the default settings for when asked about installation directory or PATH variables.
To check your installation, open a terminal and type: dart --version. This should return the installed version of Dart.
- Go to rust-lang.org to download the "rustup-init.exe" installer.
- Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Once installation is complete, open a new Command Prompt and verify with
rustc --version
Mac and Linux:
- Open a terminal.
- Run the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Restart your terminal (or source the changes as instructed at the end of the installation) to ensure the cargo and rustc commands are available.
- You can verify the installation with
rustc --version
SQLite comes pre-installed on macOS and most Linux distributions. To verify if sqlite3 is installed, you can open a terminal and type:
sqlite3 --version
If SQLite is installed, this will output the version number.
To install SQLite on Windows:
- Visit the SQLite download page.
- In the "Precompiled Binaries for Windows" section, download the
file. - Unzip the downloaded file. It will create a directory named
. - Move the directory to
(or another location if you prefer) and rename it tosqlite
. - Add
to your PATH environment variable.
To check whether SQLite has been installed successfully, open Terminal window and run:
sqlite3 --version
This should output the version number if SQLite is installed correctly.
Note that the terminal in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) uses your system's PATH, so once you've added SQLite to your PATH as described above, you'll be able to use SQLite in the VS Code terminal.
- Fork this repository by clicking on the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of this page. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine with the command:
git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/fork-commit-merge.git
Replace '' with your GitHub username.
- Navigate to your project folder and install the necessary dependencies. If you are solving other than JavaScript or TypeScript issues, you don't need to run
npm i
cd fork-commit-merge
npm i
- Create a new branch with the command:
git switch -c fix-issue
We present several tasks with different languages and varying difficulty.
Firstly, open the tasks
directory and select which language you want to work with by opening one of the following directories:
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Ruby
- Go
- Dart
- Rust
- Markdown
Then you can open one of these directories to choose between three difficulties:
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
After that you are ready to get solving!
Go to the task you selected to get more info about the issue by clicking one of the following:
Note: You don't have to ask a permission to start solving the issue or get assigned, since these issues are supposed to always be open for new contributors. You can just simply start working with the issue right away!
Once you've made the necessary changes and all the tests are passing, you're ready to submit your changes!
- Stage your changes with the command:
git add files-that-you-changed
- Commit your changes with the command:
git commit -m "Fixed issue"
- Push your changes to your forked repository with the command:
git push origin fix-issue
Once you've pushed your changes to GitHub, you're ready to create a pull request. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
You should see text "fork-commit-merge had recent pushes" and button "Compare & Pull request" next to it.
Click the "Compare & Pull request" button to proceed to the pull request page of the original fork-commit-merge repository.
Fill in the title and description boxes to inform what you did to make all of the tests pass successfully.
Finally, click "Create pull request" to finish creating the pull request.
Congratulations on making your first open source contribution on GitHub!
Sit back and wait for a response and feedback of the pull request. If everything is working fine, you should get the pull request merged.
After the merge, actions-user bot will reset the files for the next contributor.
All the contributors of this project will also be added to the List of Contributors in our website!
Programming languages, despite their diverse syntax and underlying paradigms, universally emphasize the importance of adhering to best practices. These practices evolve over time, influenced by shared challenges faced by developers, innovations in the field, and the inherent features and limitations of the languages themselves. This section serves as a compass, guiding you through the idiomatic ways of coding in various languages, ensuring not only that your code works but also that it aligns with the conventions and norms of the community.
Why Follow Best Practices?
Readability: Code is read more often than it's written. Adopting best practices ensures your code remains accessible and comprehensible to other developers, or even to your future self!
Maintainability: Idiomatic code, by adhering to established patterns and standards, is easier to update, debug, and expand upon.
Performance: Often, best practices evolve in response to the understanding of a language's performance characteristics. Writing idiomatic code might also mean squeezing the best performance out of your programs.
Community Support: If you're writing code in the way that the broader community expects, you're more likely to receive help when you run into issues. Moreover, you can benefit from tools, linters, and extensions built with these practices in mind.
Reducing Errors: Many best practices are born from the lessons of countless debugged issues. By adhering to them, you’re sidestepping many pitfalls before they even occur.
In this section, you'll find guides tailored to various languages. Whether you're dabbling in a new language or revisiting a familiar one, these insights will help ensure your code is elegant, efficient, and effective.
Ownership and Borrowing:
- Always try to use references (&) when you don't need to take ownership of a value.
- Be explicit with lifetimes where required, but rely on Rust's lifetime elision rules whenever possible to keep code concise.
- Prefer immutability by default. Use let to create immutable bindings and let mut only when you need to mutate the value.
Error Handling:
- Use the Result type for functions that can fail. Avoid using unwrap() and expect() unless you're absolutely certain the Result is Ok or the Option is Some.
- Prefer the ? operator for propagating errors in most situations.
Use of Enums:
- Use enums to represent data that can be one of several variants. This is much more idiomatic in Rust than, for instance, class hierarchies in object-oriented languages.
Match Statement:
- Use match statements for pattern matching. It's exhaustive, ensuring every possible case is handled.
- Use clippy, the Rust linting tool. It provides a lot of suggestions and idiomatic ways to write Rust code. You can use it with cargo clippy.
- Run cargo fmt before committing to ensure your code conforms to the Rust community coding standards.
Use of Crates:
- Don't reinvent the wheel. If there's a well-maintained crate (Rust's term for libraries) that does what you need, consider using it. But also be wary of adding too many dependencies.
- Document public APIs with triple-slash /// comments. Use markdown inside these comments.
Make use of Rust's powerful concurrency guarantees. The borrow checker will help you a lot here. When shared state is needed, prefer using types like Mutex or RwLock from the standard library.
- Write unit tests using Rust's built-in testing framework. Put tests in a mod tests block within your source files and use the #[test] attribute for test functions.
Avoiding unsafe:
- Rust offers the unsafe keyword to bypass the borrow checker. While it's there for valid use-cases, use it sparingly and always document the exact reason and ensure that the surrounding code truly upholds the safety guarantees.
- Rust allows for great performance, but always remember: write clear and readable code first, then optimize. With Rust, it's often the case that more idiomatic code is also faster, thanks to compiler optimizations.
Keep Cargo.toml Clean:
- Regularly check your dependencies and remove any that you aren't using. This reduces compile time, binary size, and potential security risks.
Official Rust documentation:
Rust Programming Language - Official Documentation
You might also want to check out these sites:
The Rust Programming Language Book: This is affectionately known as "The Book" in the Rust community and serves as the main resource for many learners.
Rust by Example: This provides a series of exercises and examples to help grasp Rust concepts.
Rust API Documentation: Comprehensive documentation for Rust's standard library.
Rust Playground: An online environment where Rust code can be written and executed, which is useful for testing out small bits of Rust code.
Variable Declaration:
- Use let for block-scoped variables. Avoid var.
- Use const for values that won't change.
- Prefer arrow functions for short, non-method functions.
- Use default parameters instead of manually checking and setting a default inside the function.
Objects and Arrays:
- Use object destructuring to extract properties from objects.
- Use array destructuring to extract items from arrays.
- Use the spread operator (...) to clone or merge arrays and objects.
Promises and Asynchronous Code:
- Always handle promise rejections. Use .catch() or async/await with try-catch blocks.
- Use async/await for more readable asynchronous code, especially when there are multiple steps involved.
- Prefer Array methods like map, filter, and reduce over traditional for loops.
Type Checking:
- Use typeof and instanceof wisely. Remember, typeof null is "object".
- Use triple equals (===) over double equals (==) to avoid unexpected type coercion.
- Use ES6 modules (import/export) over older module systems.
- Use tools like ESLint to catch potential problems and enforce style consistency.
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
MDN - JavaScript Documentation
Strong Typing:
- Always prefer to provide specific types over using the any type.
- Use interfaces for defining the shape of objects.
Type Inference:
- Allow TypeScript to infer types whenever possible. For instance, prefer const foo = "bar" over const foo: string = "bar".
- Use string enums for better debugging and readability.
- Use generics to create reusable components and utility functions, ensuring type safety without sacrificing flexibility.
Type Guards:
- Use type guards to narrow down types in a specific scope, especially when dealing with union types.
Type Aliases:
- Use type aliases to create your own custom types, especially for complex types used in multiple places.
Access Modifiers:
- Explicitly mark properties and methods with public, private, or protected to indicate their intended accessibility.
Linter and Config:
- Use TSLint or ESLint with TypeScript support. Ensure you have a good tsconfig.json.
Always Use strict Mode:
- Enable strict mode in your tsconfig.json for stricter type-checking.
Type Definitions:
- When using third-party libraries, ensure you have the appropriate type definitions installed, often available as @types/package-name.
TypeScript - Official Documentation
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This project was inspired by a number of fantastic resources designed to help newcomers make their first contributions to open source. In particular, we would like to acknowledge:
- First Contributions: A hands-on guide to making your first open source contribution.
- Contribute To This Project: A project that encourages contributors to add their own profile information.
- Contribute to Open Source: A project that simulates the GitHub workflow to help beginners get their first taste of open source.
I highly recommend checking out these projects if you want to learn more about contributing to open source!
Congratulations on making your first open source contribution! If you're looking for more ways to contribute, I invite you to check out my other projects. Just click here to find more. These projects contain real issues that you can help resolve. Also i would really appreciate if you could leave a star, so more developers can find this project. I look forward to seeing your contributions!
Feel free to contribute to this project also by creating new tasks for other contributors to tackle. To do so, please submit a pull request containing detailed information about the task, including relevant code examples. We encourage you to propose tasks across the programming languages already represented in our project, as this helps broaden its versatility and accessibility for developers worldwide.
For any queries, feel free to open an issue or reach out to me at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Massive thanks to all of the these fine individuals who contributed to this project!