SIP2 Python Client: Simple Interchange Protocol Client for Python
A Python SIP2 client. It also supports Gossip.
This was (nearly) my first go with Python. I thought the source might have a better time on Github (well, after a two month break I forgot what I already figured out about publishing a real Python package) than on my drive. Ideas: Could be used to build some selfcheck device application for libraries. Or use it for some kind of automation...
There are just three files. File is a low level implemntation of SIP2/Gossip while makes the handling a little bit more comfortable. Check comments of both files. File could be used for advanced programming purposes. Maybe...
Standard Interchange Protocol 2, Standard:
Gossip is short for "Good Old Server for Standard Interchange Protocol". Gossip is an SIP2 server implementation (Java) with an extension for enhanced payment options. It's possible to pay
- a single outstanding position; "subtotal-payment"
- an amount being below the total fees (but that sums up to complete positions being paid); "subtotal-payment"
- an amount being below the total fees (but that might only pay one or more positions partially); "subtotal-payment + partial-fee-payment"
Note: Sadly no official documentation for Gossip is available online. You can only contact the developer via