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rogTest User Documentation Ver. 0.1
Welcome to the release page of rogTest: This project aims to implement all functionalities of the Unity Chinese Classroom "Kingdom of Dreams" tutorial and is intended for submission of the "Assignment One" engineering task (8.23).
This is a Roguelike card game developed based on Unity 2D, and its content is not yet fully implemented.
Due to network issues, the source code is temporarily hosted here.
- Unity Preview 6000.0.10f1c1
- VScode2022 with Extensions: C# Dev Kit, Unity
- Framework
- Basic setup
- Consistent asset slicing and basic map drawing
- Random map generation
- Room System
- Combat rooms
- Rest rooms
- Treasure rooms
- Rest rooms
- Audio management system
- Level switching and management
- UI system (using UI Toolkit)
- Controls
- Keyboard and mouse
Xbox controller -
PS controller
- Gameplay
- Basic lifecycle of cards
- Character base class
- Basic card logic implementation
- Turn transition logic
- Character animations
- Card drawing system
- Win/loss logic for combat
- Basic enemy logic
- Boss logic
- Interactivity
- Save functionality
- Activation verification
- Settings
If you have any suggestions, please fork this project and create a pull request, or simply open an issue (recommended).
Thank you to everyone who has clicked to view this project and those who have provided valuable feedback.