Unlockd is a decentralized non-custodial NFT lending protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized fashion, using NFTs as collaterl.
This repository contains the smart contracts source code and markets configuration for Unlockd Protocol. The repository uses Hardhat as development enviroment for compilation, testing and deployment tasks.
πββοΈ Thanks Unlockd protocol refers to the architecture design and adopts some of the code of AAVE. We are very grateful to AAVE for providing us with an excellent DeFi platform.
You can join at the Discord channel or at the Governance for asking questions about the protocol or talk about Unlockd with other peers.
The documentation of Unlockd Protocol is in the following Unlockd documentation link. At the documentation you can learn more about the protocol, see the contract interfaces, integration guides and audits.
For getting the latest contracts addresses, please check the Deployed contracts page at the documentation to stay up to date.
- Install
To run Unlockd, install its dependencies using yarn. You will need yarn installed in your system.
yarn install
- Create an enviroment file named
and fill the next enviroment variables
# Private key. Add it if you just want to interact with Hardhat with a single address.
# Mnemonic. Used by Hardhat if PRIVATE_KEY is not set. Also used in `./unlockd-tasks`.
# Used in `./unlockd-tasks` to simulate a user different than the owner.
# Alchemy/Infura RPC endpoint URL.
# Optional Etherscan key, for automatize the verification of the contracts at Etherscan
ETHERSCAN_NETWORK="" # network in use
# Optional, add it if you want to run tasks in a forked network environment
# Optional, add it if you want to specify block number running tasks in a forked network
You can run the full test suite with the following commands. All of them are explained in detail in the tasks section:
yarn test
yarn test:localhost
yarn test:file
The configurations related with the Unlockd Markets are located at markets
directory. You can follow the IUnlockdConfiguration
interface to create new Markets configuration or extend the current Unlockd configuration.
Each market should have his own Market configuration file, and their own set of deployment tasks, using the Unlockd market config and tasks as a reference.
You can run the general tasks defined in the package.json
file by using yarn and specifying the task you want to run. For example, we can run the compile
task with the following command:
yarn compile
Show general tasks
Task | Description |
run-env | Installs dependencies without verbose logging |
hardhat | Executes hardhat command |
hardhat:node | Starts a Hardhat Network node |
hardhat:localhost | Executes hardhat command, setting network to localhost |
hardhat:goerli | Executes hardhat command, setting network to goerli |
hardhat:main | Executes hardhat command, setting network to main |
size | Logs size of current contracts |
compile | Compiles the contracts |
test | Runs all tests in ./test/ , setting network to Hardhat network |
test:localhost | Runs all tests in ./test/ , setting network to localhost network |
test:file | Allows to test for a specific file. The file can be specified in the command line setting it to be equal to TEST_FILE var |
dev:update-abis | Fetches abis from latest contracts data in ./artifacts and sets them to ./abis folder |
prettier:abis | Standarizes the abis code style in ./abis folder |
prettier:check | Checks the code style in the project |
prettier:write | Standarizes the code style in the project |
ci:clean | Runs a hardhat clean and removes all temporal and autogenerated files and folders |
unlockd:hardhat:dev:migration | Deploys the Unlockd protocol development environment in the hardhat network |
unlockd:localhost:dev:migration | Deploys the Unlockd protocol development environment in localhost |
unlockd:goerli:mock:migration | Deploys mock environment in Goerli testnet |
unlockd:localhost:full:migration | Deploys the full Unlockd protocol in localhost |
unlockd:goerli:full:migration | Deploys the full Unlockd protocol in Goerli testnet |
unlockd:fork:full:migration | Deploys the full Unlockd protocol in the forked network of choice, set at the environment variables |
unlockd:main:full:migration | Deploys the full Unlockd protocol in Ethereum mainnet |
goerli:verify | Verifies in Etherscan all contracts deployed in Goerli |
goerli:verify:reserves | Verifies in Etherscan all reserves contracts deployed in Goerli testnet |
goerli:print-contracts | Prints all current deployed contracts in Goerli testnet |
goerli:print-config | Prints all addresses and configuration set in Goerli deployed contracts |
main:verify | Verifies in Etherscan all reserves contracts deployed in Ethereum mainnet |
main:verify:reserves | Verifies in Etherscan all reserves contracts deployed in Ethereum mainnet |
main:print-contracts | Prints all current deployed contracts in Ethereum mainnet |
main:print-config | Prints all addresses and configuration set in Ethereum mainnet deployed contracts |
For deploying Unlockd Protocol, you can use the available scripts located at package.json
. For a complete list, run npm run
to see all the tasks.
# install dependencies
yarn install
# In first terminal
npm run hardhat:node
# In second terminal
npm run unlockd:localhost:dev:migration
# In first terminal
npm run hardhat:node
# In second terminal
npx hardhat --network localhost "dev:deploy-mock-reserves"
# then update pool config reserve address
npx hardhat --network localhost "dev:deploy-mock-nfts"
# then update pool config nft address
npx hardhat --network localhost "dev:deploy-all-mock-aggregators" --pool Unlockd
# then update pool config reserve aggregators address
npx hardhat --network localhost "dev:deploy-mock-unft-registry" --pool Unlockd
# then update pool config unft registry address
npx hardhat --network localhost "dev:deploy-mock-unft-tokens" --pool Unlockd
# In one terminal
npm run unlockd:goerli:mock:migration
You can interact with Unlockd at Mainnet network using the Hardhat console, in the scenario where the frontend is down or you want to interact directly. You can check the deployed addresses at deployed-contracts.
Run the Hardhat console pointing to the Mainnet network:
npx hardhat --network main console
At the Hardhat console, you can interact with the protocol:
// Load the HRE into helpers to access signers
// Import getters to instance any Unlockd contract
const contractGetters = require("./helpers/contracts-getters");
// Load the first signer
const signer = await contractGetters.getFirstSigner();
// Lend pool instance
const lendPool = await contractGetters.getLendPool("");
// ERC20 token WETH Mainnet instance
const WETH = await contractGetters.getIErc20Detailed("");
// Approve 10 WETH to LendPool address
await WETH.connect(signer).approve(lendPool.address, ethers.utils.parseUnits("10"));
// Deposit 10 WETH
await lendPool.connect(signer).deposit(DAI.address, ethers.utils.parseUnits("10"), await signer.getAddress(), "0");