monkeylang Public
Zig implementation of Monkeylang from Thorsten Ball's Writing an Interpreter in Go
cimgui Public
Forked from cimgui/cimguic-api for imgui, using build.zig (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) Look at: https://github.com/cimgui for other widgets
C++ MIT License UpdatedSep 21, 2023 -
SDL Public
Forked from allyourcodebase/SDLSDL with the build system replaced by Zig
zig Public
Forked from ziglang/zigGeneral-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
Zig MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2023 -
path-finding-with-color Public
Finds the path of an object with a specific color.
Rust UpdatedMay 30, 2023 -
quote-bot Public
Discord bot, written in Rust (using the Serenity library), that can be used to record quotes from chat.
cat.nvim Public
Failed experiment in downloading random cat image, turning it into ascii and displaying it in Neovim.
rust-opengl-lazyfoo Public
Rust implementation of Lazyfoo's OpenGL tutorial
Rust UpdatedApr 5, 2022 -
manim Public
Forked from ManimCommunity/manimAnimation engine for explanatory math videos
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2020 -
uni_cal Public
Auto populates Google Calendar with class time from start of semester to end of semester
Python UpdatedFeb 23, 2020 -
Forked from plt-tud/PLT_MRT_ARM-RPi2Lecture examples and exercise templates for the MRT ARM/Raspberry Pi lecture series.
C MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 19, 2019 -