This is a custom REST API that gets school information from the web, handles encryption with the local keychain, and interacts with firebase.
Languages: Python, Shell
DB: Firebase, Postgresql
API: FastAPI in python
Scraping: Selenium, BS4, Requests, JSON parsing
Scraping Drivers: Chrome (Headless), Firefox
Encryption: RSA
Deployment Strategy: Docker (Images built on Linux)
Supported: Veracross (Schedule + Events), Schoology, Flik
Planned Support: Google Classroom, Showbie
- With docker and docker compose installed run the command
- End server with
docker-compose down
- Server can also be run through (ensure venv and dependencies working/installed)
- For Running options:
sh -h
- Found in scripts folder:
cd scripts
- Reinstall dependencies quickly
- Clear pycs
- Generate a new RSA key
(All other scripts are not for direct user use)
To view documentation: run the server and visit /docs
- /scrape (scrape a user's information and save to firebase)
- /link (verify user's information and save/encrypt to firebase/local keychain)
- /docs (official documentation) = /ping (ping the server)
M1 chip not supported with Firebase functionality (workaround: run through a docker image built on linux instead)
- Ensure Docker, Docker Compose, and Docker Desktop are all installed
- Run Docker Desktop
- Run: (This will execute the docker file which will handle dependencies and file management)
docker-compose build
- Run: (Launches the server by running the docker image and assigns the port)
docker-compose up
- Navigate to localhost at port 80 (http://localhost:80)
psycopg2-binary installation on M1 Workarounds: brianmario/mysql2#795 (comment) psycopg/psycopg2#1286 (comment)
deployment Since, server now deploys on DO Container (built on heroku), m1 is not supported (use buildx when building docker images to ensure its' not build on m1 architecture)