Dawn Validator BOT
- Download Extension Here : Dawn Validator
- Auto Get Account Information
- Auto Run With Monosans Proxy - Choose 1
- Auto Run With Private Proxy - Choose 2
- Auto Run Without Proxy - Choose 3
- Auto Send Keep-Alive Every 5 Minutes
- Multi Accounts With Threads
Note: Dawn Server may be experiencing problems receiving requests, please be patient.
- Make sure you have Python3.9 or higher installed and pip.
Clone The Repositories:
git clone https://github.com/vonssy/Dawn-BOT.git
cd Dawn-BOT
Install Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt #or pip3 install -r requirements.txt
accounts.json: You will find the file
inside the project directory. Make sureaccounts.json
contains data that matches the format expected by the script. Here are examples of file formats:[ { "Email": "your_email_address 1", "Token": "your_berear_token 1" }, { "Email": "your_email_address 2", "Token": "your_berear_token 2" } ]
proxy.txt: You will find the file
inside the project directory. Make sureproxy.txt
contains data that matches the format expected by the script. Here are examples of file formats:ip:port # Default Protcol HTTP. protocol://ip:port protocol://user:pass@ip:port
python bot.py #or python3 bot.py