Feel free to use but at least gib credits for all peru's that work hard for this to keep alive!
This repo is just a clone from peru's everywhere
Thanks for Erfan Abdi for his OwO tools
Thanks for all perus "Jamie, YukoSky, HeliOS, ElytrA8" for all :)
Thanks VegaZS for his Java BoboBot
Download ported GSI's from here!: https://sourceforge.net/projects/berkay-gsi/files/ Join us in telegram!: https://t.me/projectreblechat/ For updates follow here!: https://t.me/berkaygsis
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/erfanoabdi/ErfanGSIs.git
cd ErfanGSIs
bash setup.sh
Example: for making OxygenOS of oneplus 7 pro firmware, you can use this command inside ErfanGSIs folder
./url2GSI.sh https://oxygenos.oneplus.net/OnePlus7ProOxygen_21.O.07_OTA_007_all_1905120542_fc480574576b4843.zip OxygenOS
check url2GSI.sh for more info