Cryptocurrency Arbitrage bot/helper written in MERN by Mike Hamilton, Kevin Lee, Vikram Melkote, Christopher Kong, and Abdul Mohamed
A bot that continuously queries cryptocurrency exchanges for prices to check for an advantage that can immediately be capitalized on via arbitrage for instant profit. Backend Express.js API & Node.js container communicates with mongodb container to handle and data pertaining to authentication & session management, API Keys & user settings, and trade requests while updating the list of prices and arbitrage opportunities in the backend server's memory periodically. The React.js frontend communicates with the Express.js API to fetch user account data, prices, and trade suggestions as the user interacts with the UI. UI also includes a modal for visualizing and facilitating suggested trade opportunities but the backend does not yet fully execute trades, they are currently simulated as successful.
clone repo with git or download contents
git clone
Install Docker and docker-compose
Start app
- Open new terminal window
docker-compose up
if changes have been made since lastdocker-compose up
Stopping app containers
Ctrl/Cmd + C
Access the site as a client via browser: http://localhost:3000
API test: http://localhost:3001/api
Accessing db shell
- Open new terminal window
docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash
To exit mongo shell (or docker container's bash): exit