- India
- http://about.me/vinayraj
CodeProject.AI Server is a self contained service that software developers can include in, and distribute with, their applications in order to augment their apps with the power of AI.
A Python library that enables the use of Jetson's GPIOs
Object detection on Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi and Laptop
Vinayrraj / JetScan
Forked from devshank3/JetScanJetScan : GPU accelerated portable RGB-D reconstruction system
Sample app code for LPR deployment on DeepStream
MYHELLOIOT is a MQTT dashboard and client application
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
Real-time PPE detection and tracking using YOLO v3 and deep_sort
Awesome Person Re-identification
Object Detection and Multi-Object Tracking
Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP package.
TensorRT MODNet, YOLOv4, YOLOv3, SSD, MTCNN, and GoogLeNet
M. Beyeler (2015). OpenCV with Python Blueprints: Design and develop advanced computer vision projects using OpenCV with Python, Packt Publishing Ltd., ISBN 978-178528269-0.
Cork/Face Presentation Attack Detection
Face detection, tracking and clustering in videos
A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
Home surveillance system with facial recognition
We are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.
Face recognition with deep neural networks.
Code for training Keras ImageNet (ILSVRC2012) image classification models from scratch
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
MTCNN C++ implementation with NVIDIA TensorRT Inference accelerator SDK
this repository is the implementation of MTCNN with no framework, Just need opencv and openblas, support linux and windows