Now This repo also includes a Word template!(13/03/2020)
Now This repo also includes a Excellent Thesis template!(15/06/2020)
Star/Fork this repo or Share it with your friends can really help me. Thanks a lot.
- Only modify files in data folder
- Put refers in /ref/refs.bib(in BibTex format)
- Put your figures in figure folder
- You can customize your thesis template by editing gdutthesis.cls(hope you know what are you doing)
- There're some baseline stretch problems in con/ack env, use setspace package to solve it, details see below(important)
- add a line with
in main.tex - add
\begin{spacing}{1.0} \end{spacing}
in con/ack.tex
%!TEX root = ../main.tex \begin{spacing}{1.0} \begin{con} % your content \end{con} \end{spacing}
- add a line with
- I recommend Sublime and LaTexTools to compile and generate pdf in case using terminal is complicated and indecent
- You can get a tutorial on this site. This tutorial is on MacOS, how to build LaTex environment is basically no differences between MacOS, *nix and Windows
- Tutorial for LaTex Syntax can refer to handbook, which is contributed by the original template improver.
- Use \subfig rather than \subfigure, issued by ElenHuo
inspired by repo
- Well, it's a word template, I believe everyone knows how to use it.
- You can use Endnote(Paid software) or Zotero(Free and Open-Source) to build your reference system. In this way, you can refer more decently and get rid of lots of troubles with their help.
- You can still add references manually and remember to follow GBT7714 strictly. See document in handbook folder for more information.
- Edit personal infomration in configuration.cfg
- Edit .tex file in tex folder
- Put figures in figures folder
- .bib refer unsupported(Please edit excellent-reference.tex in tex folder manually)
inspired by repo
- 只修改data文件夹下的.tex文件
- 将BibTex格式的引用文件放置于/ref/refs.bib中
- 将图片放置于figure目录下
- 可以通过修改gdutthesis.cls来客制化样式(在你理解你在做些什么的情况下)
- 结论与致谢的行距配置有问题,请按照如下方法解决
- 在main.tex中加入
- 在con/ack.tex中开头结尾加入
\begin{spacing}{1.0} \end{spacing}
, 具体样式如下
%!TEX root = ../main.tex \begin{spacing}{1.0} \begin{con} % 你的内容 \end{con} \end{spacing}
- 在main.tex中加入
- 使用Sublime + LaTexTools来编写,编译.tex文件(比终端编译更易操作)
- 可以访问该网站获得LaTex安装教程(基于MacOS),Windows, Linux等同理(或参考该教程)
- LaTex基础语法教程可参见handbook目录下的pdf文件(由该项目最初维护者提供)
- 用word打开该repo中的.dotx文件
- 使用Endnote(付费)或Zotero(免费)来维护你的引用文献库,并使用对应的插件导入word文档中
- 也可手动键入引用文献。注意:请严格遵循GBT7714标准,阅读handbook目录下的手册以获取更多信息。
- 在 configuration.cfg 下修改个人信息
- 在tex文件夹下修改正文内容
- 将配图放于figures文件夹下
- 不支持.bib引用(手动修改tex文件夹下的excellent-reference.tex文件来编辑参考文献)