Stack React-Redux
| Node.js
This application has a bundling schema's diagram that a service provider might offer for a Broadband, TV, Landline. The Diagram is represented by the graph bellow.
vertices: [
id: 0,
name: 'Broadband1',
type: 'bb',
price: 40,
id: 1,
name: 'TV1',
type: 'tv',
price: 50,
id: 2,
name: 'Landline',
type: 'll',
price: 35,
id: 3,
name: 'Broadband2',
type: 'bb',
price: 60,
id: 4,
name: 'TV2',
type: 'tv',
price: 120,
id: 5,
name: 'AddonBB',
type: 'addon',
price: 10,
id: 6,
name: 'AddonTV',
type: 'addon',
edges: [
[[2, -40], [5, 0]],
[[6, 35], [2, -10]],
[[1, -10], [2, -40], [4, -20], [5, -10]],
[[2, -30], [6, 15]],
The graph is represented by an Adjacency List, with a finite set of vertices and ordered pair of edges.
In order to obtain all possible combinations of the bundling schema, I wrote a custom Class which uses a Depth First Traversal with a modification (bellow function) to generate all combinations.
vertexCombination(vertex, stack) {
let stackAux = [...stack, vertex];
this.prices = [...this.prices, this.bundlePrice(stackAux)];
this.combinations = [...this.combinations, stackAux];
for (const i in this.edges[]) {
this.vertexCombination(this.vertices[this.edges[][i][0]], stackAux);
stackAux = [...stack.slice(0, stack.lenght)];
$ cd TelecomBundles/server && yarn install
$ yarn start
- The server is going to start in http://localhost:3000/docs
- Swagger docs starts in http://localhost:3000/docs
$ cd TelecomBundles/client && yarn install
yarn start
Client starts in http://localhost:3001
Vincenzo Bianco