An event driven, concurrent, object oriented library to encapsulate PHP stream functionality. Currently supports TCP & UDP sockets, HTTP connections (both client & server), Processes, Standard input/output/error (and other attached FDs), and a simple IRC Client.
Allows you to connect to or run multiple services in PHP using a single process/thread. PSO abstracts away all the complexities of dealing with non-blocking streams, file descriptors and SELECT.
Provides an easy to use callback system to intercept connections/disconnections, incoming data, and many protocol specific conditions.
Uses SELECT to provide concurrency handling across multiple streams of any type, You can pass any mix of PSO objects to PSO::drain() to handle them all concurrently.
- PHP 5.4+
- allow_url_fopen enabled in php.ini
Demonstrates a page title scraping engine for HTML/HTTP, Connects to a large number of services in parallel, Dropping the connection as soon as the page title is known.
Demonstrates a script to fetch a HTML page, parse it, gather all linked css stylesheets & javascript code, and load all content into an array.
Demonstrates a simple connection to an IRC server. Automatically joining a channel, rejoining it when kicked, and responding to both public & private messages.
Demonstrates a basic HTTP server, which delivers response for two URLs (/ and /date), and a 404 result for any other requested URL.
Demonstrates a basic TCP Server and Client, sending messages back & forth between them. Highlights some of the finer points of PSO such as the I/O buffer handling on disconnection (Server still receives "fine.")
Demonstrates a basic UDP Server and Client, sending messages back & forth between them.
Demonstrates communication with the local console via STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR File Descriptors
Demonstrates the same communication as stdio_example.php, using individual file descriptors
Demonstrates running an external process
This is a list of the currently implemented PSO drivers, and what events they provide.
For interacting with services on a TCP port without blocking
Easy to use TCP server with automatic connection handling
For interacting with services on a UDP port
Easy to use UDP server with virtual connection handling for multiple client support
UNSTABLE Runs a command in a new process asynchronously.
For interacting with a file descriptor attached to the current process
For interacting with the console attached to the current process (STDIN, STDOUT & STDERR)
Native support for DOMDocument Supports parsing of partial requests
- Called when a connection is added to a queue.
- Can be used to add request specific information (headers, cookies, post fields, etc)
- Called once a connection is established to the remote server.
- Called once HTTP headers have been received from the remote server.
- Called once the complete HTTP response has been received from the remote server.
- Like onResponse, but will be called as each packet is received, until a complete document is loaded.
- Called on an error status code (not 2xx or 3xx)
- Called to handle a redirection status code (3xx)
- Only used when $httpClient->captureRedirects is set to true
For testing servers & simple REST services
- Called when a complete request has been received from the client
- Called when an onRequest handler could not be found for the requested URI
A simple IRC client, can join/part channels, send/receive messages, and tracks users in each channel
- Called when a message is received in a channel
- Called when a message is received in private
- Called when a user is kicked from the channel
- Called when the bot is kicked from the channel
- Called when a user joins the channel
- Called when the bot joins the channel
- Called when a user leaves the channel
- Called when a user disconnects from IRC
- Called when a notice is received from a channel
- Called when a notice is received in private
- Called when channel modes are changed
- Called after receiving the MOTD from the server (fully connected)
- Called after joining a new channel
Available for all stream types
- Called when connected to a remote host
- Called for each packet of data received
- Called when the remote host disconnects
- Called when the server begins to shut down
- PSO_WebSocketServer
- PSO_WebSocketClient
- gzip Compression
- http proxy support
- PSO_SSLClient
- PSO_SSHClient
- PSO_SSHProcess
- PSO_SSHTunnel
- PSO_ExpectProcess