This repository contains the implementation of the Event Hub in Motoko programming language for Internet Computer.
Event Hub is a draft ICRC72 Motoko pub-sub pattern implementation for managing events, subscribers, and sending events to subscribers.
Event Hub also provides interoperability with Ethereum RPC methods.
- Subscriber Management: Functions for subscribing (subscribe) and unsubscribing (unsubscribe) to events.
- Publication Managment: Register a new publication and publish events to subscribers.
- Broadcaster: Distribute messages to subscribers
- Ethereum Interaction: Functions are provided to call Ethereum RPC methods (callEthgetLogs, callEthgetBlockByNumber, callEthsendRawTransaction).
Subscriptions and publications can be made and explored through the Candid.
This project depends on evm_rpc canister.
cd event_broadcaster
dfx deploy --ic
dfx start --background
dfx deps pull
dfx deps init evm_rpc --argument '(record { nodesInSubnet = 28 })'
dfx deps deploy
dfx deploy
Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.