A simple Vimm's Lair client for Miyoo Mini Plus
This application is currently at version 1.6
This project is in its early stages and can have probably bugs. This project is not intended to help any kind of piracy, it's just a case of study.
- Discord Contact: @vitty85
- Packaged for Onion App (Porting to other UIs is welcome)
- Latest version of Onion (https://github.com/OnionUI/Onion/releases/latest)
- Recent firmware (You need at least firmware version 20220419****)
Just copy the MiyooVimmClient folder into /mnt/SDCARD/App/
on your MMP and then run it from Miyoo Apps menu.
- XK for inspiration taken from BetterWifi App
- Curo19 and DanCousins for the inspiration i took from their projects
- Vimm's Lair website
- Libretro GitHub Repository
- zsh w/ regex https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh
- dialog https://invisible-island.net/dialog/
- It depends on how you are going to use it!! Basically this client is like a Browser pointed to a specific Web page.
- Absolutely not, all the games are hosted on Vimm's Lair website and i'm not connected to them in any way.
- Updated database
- Fixed download link from Vimm's Lair portal
- Updated database
- Fixed the selection of specific media ID for multi disc / version games
- Fixed download size calculation on multi disc / version game
- Updated database
- Added Nintendo64, Sega MegaCD and Sega Saturn Platforms in search menu
- Fixed Atari7800 Platform name in menu
- Fixed database for missing Atari5200 and Virtual Boy games (it was always showing no result on search)
- Improved navigation and item selection on menu
- Allow user to display more than 20 results on a single search
- Addded a show all games option in both search by Name and search by Platform menu
- Fixed download size calculation on multi disc / version game
- Added about menu with app version
- Allow user to select a specific media ID for multi disc / version games
- First release of app
- Allow user to search game by Vault ID (from Vimm's Lair database)
- Allow user to search game by Platform (there are 16 available and compatible with OnionOS)
- Allow user to search game by Name (it's possible to specify the starting chars or a contained substring)
- Any search can return maximum 20 hits (so try to be use specific keyword to reduce the matches)
- Allow user to uncompress both zip and 7z archives (when you choose to uncompress the app will create a folder with same name of downloaded game and remove the zipped file)
- Allow user to download both game and box Art and place them into correct MMP folder according to Platform (it follows the Emu mapping of OnionOS)