Much more advance scripting, more classic buildings, etc.
v5.0 Alpha
This Mod is still in Beta/Alpha expect bugs.
still in beta. (who knows when it'll end)
Advance Content (Partially)
Example Mod (Almost finished)
Classic Blocks
v4 Content (Partially)
v5 Mechpad
v5 Unit Factory
v5 Units
v6 Early Units
v7 Blocks
v7 Units
v8 Neoplasm Contents
NullPointerException#7763 - Coolio Legacy Mechpad
VvSeanGtvV#2295 - Legacy Unit Factory and the Units Stats
Slotterleet#7897 - the Planet BG menu!
MEEP of Faith#7277 - Seperator & Contributor Code
BasedUser#2215 - resprited Sprites!
Anuke#4986 - Java Template mod & Example mod!
Mythril#0197 - Idea for v7-Development
EyeOfDarkness#0350 - Advance Content mod!
WilloIzCitron#8360 - Banner & ButtonSetting & Music Player
xzxADIxzx#7729 - for Automatic Update in Scheme Size Mod