Tags: WMBender/chatterino2
Fix Split Input hotkeys not being available when input is hidden (Cha… …tterino#3362)
Make join and part messages have user links (Chatterino#3358) Co-authored-by: pajlada <[email protected]>
Make join and part messages have user links (Chatterino#3358) Co-authored-by: pajlada <[email protected]>
v2.3.4 - Major: Newly uploaded Twitch emotes are once again present in emote picker and can be autocompleted with Tab as well. (Chatterino#2992) - Major: Deprecated `/(un)follow` commands and (un)following in the usercards as Twitch has removed this feature for 3rd party applications. (Chatterino#3076, Chatterino#3078) - Major: Added the ability to add nicknames for users. (Chatterino#137, Chatterino#2981) - Major: Fixed constant disconnections with more than 20 channels by rate-limiting outgoing JOIN messages. (Chatterino#3112, Chatterino#3115) - Minor: Added autocompletion in /whispers for Twitch emotes, Global Bttv/Ffz emotes and emojis. (Chatterino#2999, Chatterino#3033) - Minor: Received Twitch messages now use the exact same timestamp (obtained from Twitch's server) for every Chatterino user instead of assuming message timestamp on client's side. (Chatterino#3021) - Minor: Received IRC messages use `time` message tag for timestamp if it's available. (Chatterino#3021) - Minor: Added informative messages for recent-messages API's errors. (Chatterino#3029) - Minor: Added section with helpful Chatterino-related links to the About page. (Chatterino#3068) - Minor: Now uses spaces instead of magic Unicode character for sending duplicate messages (Chatterino#3081) - Minor: Added `channel.live` filter variable (Chatterino#3092, Chatterino#3110) - Bugfix: Fixed "smiley" emotes being unable to be "Tabbed" with autocompletion, introduced in v2.3.3. (Chatterino#3010) - Bugfix: Fixed PubSub not properly trying to resolve pending listens when the pending listens list was larger than 50. (Chatterino#3037) - Bugfix: Copy buttons in usercard now show properly in light mode (Chatterino#3057) - Bugfix: Fixed comma appended to username completion when not at the beginning of the message. (Chatterino#3060) - Bugfix: Fixed bug misplacing chat when zooming on Chrome with Chatterino Native Host extension (Chatterino#1936) - Bugfix: Channel point redemptions from ignored users are now properly blocked. (Chatterino#3102) - Dev: Ubuntu packages are now available (Chatterino#2936) - Dev: Disabled update checker on Flatpak. (Chatterino#3051) - Dev: Add logging for HTTP requests (Chatterino#2991)
Release 2.3.3 - Major: Added username autocompletion popup menu when typing usernames with an @ prefix. (Chatterino#1979, Chatterino#2866) - Major: Added ability to toggle visibility of Channel Tabs - This can be done by right-clicking the tab area or pressing the keyboard shortcut (default: Ctrl+U). (Chatterino#2600) - Minor: Username in channel points rewards redemption messages is now clickable. (Chatterino#2673, Chatterino#2953) - Minor: Channel name in `<channel> has gone offline. Exiting host mode.` messages is now clickable. (Chatterino#2922) - Minor: Added `/openurl` command. Usage: `/openurl <URL>`. Opens the provided URL in the browser. (Chatterino#2461, Chatterino#2926) - Minor: Updated to Emoji v13.1 (Chatterino#2958) - Minor: Added "Open in: new tab, browser player, streamlink" in twitch link context menu. (Chatterino#2988) - Minor: Sender username in automod messages shown to moderators shows correct color and display name. (Chatterino#2967) - Minor: The /live split now shows channels going offline. (Chatterino#2880) - Minor: Restore automod functionality for moderators (Chatterino#2817, Chatterino#2887) - Minor: Add setting for username style (Chatterino#2889, Chatterino#2891) - Minor: Searching for users in the viewer list now searches anywhere in the user's name. (Chatterino#2861) - Minor: Added moderation buttons to search popup when searching in a split with moderation mode enabled. (Chatterino#2148, Chatterino#2803) - Minor: Made "#channel" in `/mentions` tab show in usercards and in the search popup. (Chatterino#2802) - Minor: Added settings to disable custom FrankerFaceZ VIP/mod badges. (Chatterino#2693, Chatterino#2759) - Minor: Limit the number of recent chatters to improve memory usage and reduce freezes. (Chatterino#2796, Chatterino#2814) - Minor: Added `/popout` command. Usage: `/popout [channel]`. It opens browser chat for the provided channel. Can also be used without arguments to open current channels browser chat. (Chatterino#2556, Chatterino#2812) - Minor: Improved matching of game names when using `/setgame` command (Chatterino#2636) - Minor: Now shows deletions of messages like timeouts (Chatterino#1155, Chatterino#2841, Chatterino#2867, Chatterino#2874) - Minor: Added a link to accounts page in settings to "You need to be logged in to send messages" message. (Chatterino#2862) - Minor: Switch to Twitch v2 emote API for animated emote support. (Chatterino#2863) - Bugfix: Now deleting cache files that weren't modified in the past 14 days. (Chatterino#2947) - Bugfix: Fixed large timeout durations in moderation buttons overlapping with usernames or other buttons. (Chatterino#2865, Chatterino#2921) - Bugfix: Middle mouse click no longer scrolls in not fully populated usercards and splits. (Chatterino#2933) - Bugfix: Fix bad behavior of the HTML color picker edit when user input is being entered. (Chatterino#2942) - Bugfix: Made follower emotes suggested (in emote popup menu, tab completion, emote input menu) only in their origin channel, not globally. (Chatterino#2951) - Bugfix: Fixed founder badge not being respected by `author.subbed` filter. (Chatterino#2971) - Bugfix: Usercards on IRC will now only show user's messages. (Chatterino#1780, Chatterino#2979) - Bugfix: Messages that couldn't be searched or filtered are now handled correctly. (Chatterino#2962) - Bugfix: Moderation buttons now show the correct time unit when using units other than seconds. (Chatterino#1719, Chatterino#2864) - Bugfix: Fixed FFZ emote links for global emotes (Chatterino#2807, Chatterino#2808) - Bugfix: Fixed pasting text with URLs included (Chatterino#1688, Chatterino#2855) - Bugfix: Fix reconnecting when IRC write connection is lost (Chatterino#1831, Chatterino#2356, Chatterino#2850, Chatterino#2892) - Bugfix: Fixed bit and new subscriber emotes not (re)loading in some rare cases. (Chatterino#2856, Chatterino#2857) - Bugfix: Fixed subscription emotes showing up incorrectly in the emote menu. (Chatterino#2905)
Release v2.3.2 - Major: New split for channels going live! /live. (Chatterino#1797) - Minor: Added a message that displays a new date on new day. (Chatterino#1016) - Minor: Hosting messages are now clickable. (Chatterino#2655) - Minor: Messages held by automod are now shown to the user. (Chatterino#2626) - Minor: Load 100 blocked users rather than the default 20. (Chatterino#2772) - Bugfix: Fixed a potential crashing issue related to the browser extension. (Chatterino#2774) - Bugfix: Strip newlines from stream titles to prevent text going off of split header (Chatterino#2755) - Bugfix: Automod messages now work properly again. (Chatterino#2682) - Bugfix: `Login expired` message no longer highlights all tabs. (Chatterino#2735) - Bugfix: Fix a deadlock that would occur during user badge loading. (Chatterino#1704, Chatterino#2756) - Bugfix: Tabbing in `Select a channel to open` is now consistent. (Chatterino#1797) - Bugfix: Fix Ctrl + Backspace not closing colon emote picker. (Chatterino#2780) - Bugfix: Approving/denying AutoMod messages works again. (Chatterino#2779) - Dev: Migrated AutoMod approve/deny endpoints to Helix. (Chatterino#2779) - Dev: Migrated Get Cheermotes endpoint to Helix. (Chatterino#2440)