Tags: Waithera-m/python-chess
python-chess v0.30.1 Changes: * Positions with more than two checkers are considered invalid and `board.status()` returns `chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_CHECKERS`. * Pawns drops in Crazyhouse are considered zeroing and reset `board.halfmove_clock` when played. * Now validating file sizes when opening Syzygy tables and Polyglot opening books. * Explicitly warn about untrusted tablebase files and chess engines. Bugfixes: * Fix Racing Kings game end detection: Black cannot catch up if their own pieces block the goal. White would win on the turn, so this did not impact the game theoretical outcome of the game. * Fix bugs discovered by fuzzing the EPD parser: Fixed serialization of empty strings, reparsability of empty move lists, handling of non-finite floats, and handling of whitespace in opcodes. Features: * Added `board.checkers()`, returning a set of squares with the pieces giving check.
python-chess v0.30.0 Changes: * **Dropped support for Python 3.5.** * Remove explicit loop arguments in `chess.engine` module, following https://bugs.python.org/issue36373. Bugfixes: * `chess.engine.EngineProtocol.returncode` is no longer poisoned when `EngineProtocol.quit()` times out. * `chess.engine.PlayResult.info` was not always of type `chess.engine.InfoDict`. Features: * The background thread spawned by `chess.engine.SimpleEngine` is now named for improved debuggability, revealing the PID of the engine process. * `chess.engine.EventLoopPolicy` now supports `asyncio.PidfdChildWatcher` when running on Python 3.9+ and Linux 5.3+. * Add `chess.Board.san_and_push()`.
python-chess v0.29.0 Changes: * `chess.variant.GiveawayBoard` **now starts with castling rights**. `chess.variant.AntichessBoard` is the same variant without castling rights. * UCI info parser no longer reports errors when encountering unknown tokens. * Performance improvements for repetition detection. * Since Python 3.8: `chess.syzygy`/`chess.polyglot` use `madvise(MADV_RANDOM)` to prepare table/book files for random access. Bugfixes: * Fix syntax error in type annotation of `chess.engine.run_in_background()`. * Fix castling rights when king is exploded in Atomic. Mitigated by the fact that the game is over and that it did not affect FEN. * Fix insufficient material with underpromoted pieces in Crazyhouse. Mitigated by the fact that affected positions are unreachable in Crazyhouse. Features: * Support `wdl` in UCI info (usually activated with `UCI_ShowWDL`).
python-chess v0.28.2 Bugfixes: * Fixed exception propagation, when an UCI engine sends an invalid `bestmove`. Thanks @fsmosca. Changes: * `chess.Move.from_uci()` no longer accepts moves from and to the same square, for example `a1a1`. `0000` is now the only valid null move notation.
python-chess v0.28.1 Bugfixes: * The minimum Python version is 3.5.3 (instead of 3.5.0). * Fix `board.is_irreversible()` when capturing a rook that had castling rights. Changes: * `is_en_passant()`, `is_capture()`, `is_zeroing()`, `is_irreversible()`, `is_castling()`, `is_kingside_castling()` and `is_queenside_castling()` now consistently return `False` for null moves. * Added `chess.engine.InfoDict` class with typed shorthands for common keys. * Support `[Variant "3-check"]` (from chess.com PGNs).
python-chess v0.28.0 Changes: * Dropped support for Python 3.4 (end of life reached). * `chess.polyglot.Entry.move` **is now a property instead of a method**. The raw move is now always decoded in the context of the position (relevant for castling moves). * `Piece`, `Move`, `BaseBoard` and `Board` comparisons no longer support ducktyping. * FENs sent to engines now always include potential en-passant squares, even if no legal en-passant capture exists. * Circular SVG arrows now have a `circle` CSS class. * Superfluous dashes (-) in EPDs are no longer treated as opcodes. * Removed `GameCreator`, `HeaderCreator` and `BoardCreator` aliases for `{Game,Headers,Board}Builder`. Bugfixes: * Notation like `Kh1` is no longer accepted for castling moves. * Remove stale files from wheels published on PyPI. * Parsing Three-Check EPDs with moves was always failing. * Some methods in `chess.variant` were returning bool-ish integers, when they should have returned `bool`. * `chess.engine`: Fix line decoding when Windows line-endings arrive seperately in stdout buffer. * `chess.engine`: Survive timeout in analysis. * `chess.engine`: Survive unexpected `bestmove` sent by misbehaving UCI engines. New features: * **Experimental type signatures for almost all public APIs** (`typing`). Some modules do not yet internally pass typechecking. * Added `Board.color_at(square)`. * Added `chess.engine.AnalysisResult.get()` and `empty()`. * `chess.engine`: The `UCI_AnalyseMode` option is still automatically managed, but can now be overwritten. * `chess.engine.EngineProtocol` and constructors now optionally take an explicit `loop` argument.
python-chess v0.27.3 Changes: * `XBoardProtocol` will no longer raise an exception when the engine resigned. Instead it sets a new flag `PlayResult.resigned`. `resigned` and `draw_offered` are keyword-only arguments. * Renamed `chess.pgn.{Game,Header,Board}Creator` to `{Game,Headers,Board}Builder`. Aliases kept in place. Bugfixes: * Make `XBoardProtocol` robust against engines that send a move after claiming a draw or resigning. Thanks @pascalgeo. * `XBoardProtocol` no longer ignores `Hint:` sent by the engine. * Fix handling of illegal moves in `XBoardProtocol`. * Fix exception when engine is shut down while pondering. * Fix unhandled internal exception and file descriptor leak when engine initialization fails. * Fix `HordeBoard.status()` when black pieces are on the first rank. Thanks @Wisling. New features: * Added `chess.pgn.Game.builder()`, `chess.pgn.Headers.builder()` and `chess.pgn.GameNode.dangling_node()` to simplify subclassing `GameNode`. * `EngineProtocol.communicate()` is now also available in the synchronous API.
python-chess v0.27.2 Bugfixes: * `chess.engine.XBoardProtocol.play()` was searching 100 times longer than intended when using `chess.engine.Limit.time`, and searching 100 times more nodes than intended when using `chess.engine.Limit.nodes`. Thanks @pascalgeo.